The Legal Studies and Options Service (SEDIJ)

Clínica Jurídica Iurislab y Servicio de Estudios y Dictámenes Jurídicos (SEDIJ)

The Legal Studies and Options Service, created by agreement of the Government Board as a laboratory of service delivery (LPS), is located in the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Law and is comprised of full-time professors from the departments of Private Law, Political Science and Public Law and Public Law and Legal History Studies.

Its function is to promote and transfer knowledge from the University to society and, more specifically, from the faculty of the Faculty to lawyers and other legal professionals and to the public and private organizations that require their services.

To carry out this function, the SEDIJ provides users with contact with the most suitable specialists to perform the requested services and a permanent communication channel between them.

In addition, the SEDIJ contributes to satisfying university social responsibility (RSU) by the promotion of non-profit legal reports and opinions, in matters of social importance (pro bono) and with the special participation of students. 
The SEDIJ has the material and human resources of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona to carry out its objectives. According to the QS WUR 2018 Ranking, as the 1st in Spain; and according to the QS Top 50 under 2018, 2nd in Spain, 5th in Europe. Regarding the aforementioned resources, we must highlight the network of institutional and professional relationships both in Spain and abroad, which facilitates optimal collaboration between our teaching staff and experts from other countries and fields of knowledge.

The quality guarantee of the services offered through the SEDIJ is guaranteed by the academic and professional career of its members, by the numerous official recognition of their teaching and research merits (teaching and research sections and national and autonomous accreditations) and by previous experience in the field of the respective specialities.

Coordinating team

  • Dr. Miriam Cugat Mauri
    Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Law
  • Dr. Núria Reynal Querol
    Secretary to the board member
    Professor in the Department of Private Law
  • Dr. Joan Amenós Álamo
    Member of economic affairs
    Professor in the Department of of Public Law and Legal History Studies

Advisory team (Board of ex deans)

  • Dr. Manuel Gerpe Landín
    Professor of Constitutional Law
  • Dr. Manuel Cachón Cadenas
    Professor of Procedural Law
  • Dr. Josep Maria de Dios Marcer
    Senior lecturer of International Private Law
  • Dr. Esther Zapater
    Senior lecturer of International Public Law
  • Dr. Enric Fossas Espadaler
    Professor of Constitutional Law

The function of transferring knowledge from the University to society is developed through the provision by the professors of the following services:

  • Elaboration of technical and legal reports for lawyers, companies and institutions.
  • Elaboration of reports on draft laws.
  • Reports on Spanish law for foreigners and on foreign law for Spaniards.
  • Report on European Union Law.
  • Development of lines of applied research in the requested subjects.
  • Criminological and foreign law expert’s report services

Next, we indicate the professors who provide their services through the SEDIJ. When the request is directed to a specialist chosen by the user, the SEDIJ transmits it directly to him. Also, when the user has no prior preference and requests the advice of the SEDIJ, the SEDIJ provides him with the necessary information so that he can select the most suitable expert, both in terms of the field of knowledge involved and the experience required to develop the services satisfactorily.

Depending on the nature and characteristics of the service requested, the SEDIJ can facilitate the formation of multidisciplinary work teams, of particular interest to professionals who carry out their work within the framework of organisations of small dimensions or highly specialized in a single discipline.


Dr. Joan Amenós Álamo
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Administrative Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Rafael Arenas García
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: International Private Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Mª Dolores Arias Abellán
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: Finance and Taxation Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Mercè Barceló i Serramalera
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: Constitutional Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Joan Baucells Lladós
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Criminal Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Encarna Bodelón González
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Philosophy of Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Sandra Camacho Clavijo
Category: Assistant Professor
Knowledge field: Civil Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Pompeu Casanovas Romeu
Category: Reader
Knowledge field: Philosophy of Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Xavier Cecchini Rosell
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Civil Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Josep Cid Moliné
Category: Reader
Knowledge field: Criminal Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Maria José Cuenca García
Category: Associate Professor 
Knowledge field: Criminal Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Miriam Cugat Mauri
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Criminal Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Josep Maria de Díos Marcer
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: International Private Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Mª Jesús Espuny Tomàs
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: History of Law and Institutions
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Ricardo Esteban Legarreta
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Employment and Social Security Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Maria José Feijóo Rey
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Employment and Social Security Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. José Antonio Fernández Amor
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Finance and Taxation Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Enric Fossas Espadaler
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: Constitutional Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Marta Franch Saguer
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Administrative Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Josep Maria Fusté Miquela
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Employment and Social Security Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Carolina Gala Durán
Category: Reader
Knowledge field: Titular de Dret del Treball i de la SS
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Mercedes García Arán
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: Criminal Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Miquel Gardeñes Santiago
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: International Private Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Juan Carlos Gavara de Cara
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: Constitutional Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Mª del Carmen Gete-Alonso y Calera
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: Civil Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Carles Górriz López
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Mercantile Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Claudia Jiménez Cortés
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: International Public Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Isabel Martínez Jiménez
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: Mercantile Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Roser Martínez Quirante
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Administrative Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. José Miguel Martínez-Carrasco Pignatelli
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Finance and Taxation Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Francisco Mercadal Vidal
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Mercantile Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Josu de Miguel Bárcena
Category: Associate Professor
Knowledge field: Constitutional Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Jorge Miquel Rodríguez
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Mercantile Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Ramón Morral Soldevilla
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Mercantile Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Maria del Carmen Navarro Villanueva
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Procedural Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Susana Navas Navarro
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: Civil Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Mari Carmen Núñez Zorilla
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Civil Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Carles Padrós Reig
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Administrative Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Albert Pastor Martínez
Category: Assistant Professor
Knowledge field: Employment and Social Security Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Francesc Pérez Amorós
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: Employment and Social Security Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch
Category: Reader
Knowledge field: Constitutional Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Montserrat Pi Llorens
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: International Public Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Francisco Ramos Romeu
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Procedural Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Rafael Rebollo Vargas
Category: Reader
Knowledge field: Criminal Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Núria Reynal Querol
Category: Assistant Professor
Knowledge field: Procedural Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Mª José Rodríguez Puerta
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Criminal Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Eduardo Rojo Torrecilla
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: Employment and Social Security Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Miguel Ángel Sánchez Huete
Category: Assistant professor and associate professor
Knowledge field: Finance and Taxation Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Eliseo Sierra Noguero
Category: Associate Professor
Knowledge field: Mercantile Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Xavier Solà Monells
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Employment and Social Security Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Sebastià Solé Cot
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: History of Law and Institutions
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Judith Solé Resina
Category: Professor
Knowledge field: Civil Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Carme Tort Martorell
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: Dret Romà
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dr. Francesc Valles Vives
Category: Assistant professor
Knowledge field: Constitutional Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

Dra. Esther Zapater Duque
Category: Senior lecturer
Knowledge field: International Public Law
  Principals línies d'especialització professional

The Legal Studies and Opinions Services of the Faculty of Law (SEDIJ) was created by Agreement 20/2012, of 18th April, of the Commission for the Transfer of Knowledge and Strategic Projects, by the Governing Board delegation of the UAB.

In its capacity as a laboratory for the provision of services, dedicated to the transfer of knowledge, articles 1.2.c, 39 and 83 of Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21st, on Universities are specially applicable to it; articles 20 and seg. of Law 1/2003, of February 19th, on Universities of Catalonia; articles 4, 38 and seg., and 184 of the Statutes of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, approved on May 22nd, 2003 (Decree 237/2033, of October 8th), and articles 1, 41 and seg., and 54 and seg. Of the UAB Regulations on research (Consolidated text approved by the Agreement of the Governing Board of March 2nd, 2011).

In addition to the above regulations, the SEDIJ is governed by the Regulation approved by Agreement 7/2013, of March 20, of the Faculty Board.



Sra. Marisol Molina Martínez
Secretary of Dean’s Office and SEDIJ

Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Law, edifici B
C/ de la Vall Moronta, s/n
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Espanya.