GREAT Scholarships Are Now Available to Study a Master's in the UK

Estudiant a Gran Bretanya

The British Council is offering eight master’s scholarships for the 2025-26 academic year in collaboration with eight UK universities. The scholarships cover a wide range of academic programmes.


Every scholarship offers at least £10,000, which will be deducted from tuition fees. At Imperial College, the scholarship amount is £15,000, while at the University of Warwick is £25,000, covering a broad selection of postgraduate courses.

This scholarship initiative is financed by the UK Government, the British Council, and the universities involved. Students representing 15 different countries can benefit from 200 scholarships for postgraduate studies in the UK. For the first time, eight of these scholarships are available to Spanish students at the following institutions: the University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London, University of Warwick, University of Essex, University of Surrey, King’s Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, and Teesside University.

Eligibility Criteria for a GREAT Scholarship:

  • You must hold a Spanish passport and reside in Spain (if you do not have a Spanish passport, please visit the global website to verify if your nationality is eligible).
  • Have an official undergraduate degree, be motivated and show interest in the suggested academic program.
  • Meet the English language requirements of the host university (requirements may vary between universities and/or different master’s programmes).
  • Establish an engagement with the UK as a scholar, via both personal and academic ties.
  • Be willing to attend a networking event where other scholarship recipients from other countries may share experiences and perspectives.
  • Be willing to stay in touch with the British Council and the UK university or educational institution, serving as an ‘ambassador’ for the GREAT Scholarships.
  • As a GREAT Scholarship alumnus, be willing to occasionally share your own experiences studying in the UK with potential applicants on occasion.

How to Apply:

  1. Use the links below to submit your application:
    • The University of Edinburgh (applications open until late April – date to be confirmed). Approximate tuition fees: £40,000. Scholarship: £10,000.
    • Imperial College London (only students with an offer for one of their master’s programmes will receive information about applying for the scholarship. Application deadline: 9 January). Approximate tuition fees: £42,000. Scholarship: £15,000.
    • University of Warwick (applications open until 30 April). Approximate tuition fees: £35,000. Scholarship: £25,000.
    • University of Essex (applications open until 31 May). Approximate tuition fees: £22,000–25,000. Scholarship: £10,000.
    • University of Surrey (applications open until 30 May). Approximate tuition fees: £25,000 (to be confirmed). Scholarship: £10,000.
    • King’s Business School (applications open until 25 May). Approximate tuition fees: £40,000. Scholarship: £10,000.
    • Liverpool John Moores University (applications open until 15 May). Approximate tuition fees: £18,000. Scholarship: £10,000.
    • Teesside University (applications open until 25 April). Approximate tuition fees: £17,000. Scholarship: £10,000.
  2. Each university will get one of the eight scholarships available for Spanish students. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully on their corresponding websites, as procedures, deadlines, and requirements may vary slightly.
  3. The universities are responsible for selecting the scholarship recipients and notifying the results. The British Council does not have access to this information and cannot answer specific questions regarding specific universities. For any enquiries, please contact the email address provided by each university in the programme.

For more information, please visit: