Professors at the Faculty of Law of the UAB participate in the first manual of private international law published in Catalan

Imatge exterior Facultat de Dret

Four professors from the Faculty of Law of the UAB (Miquel Garde·es, Rafael Arenas, Josep Maria de Dios and Josep Suquet) collaborate in the creation of the first manual of private international law published in Catalan. 


UAB Faculty of Law professors Miquel Gardeñes, Rafael Arenas, Josep Maria de Dios and Josep Suquet, in collaboration with professors from other Catalan universities, have prepared a new manual on private international law, published by Atelier in 2023. The book is titled Lliçons de dret internacional privat and is the result of an important inter-university cooperation effort. It is also the first Spanish private international law manual published in Catalan.

Lliçons de dret internacional privat is a general manual of private international law with a threefold objective: first, to publish a manual of private international law that could be useful for students; second, to remedy the lack of manuals in Catalan and, in particular, in the field of private international law, because it is paradoxical that in Catalan faculties, teaching is mainly in Catalan and that there is no reference text in the same language; and, third, to make a common work in Catalan universities, which at the same time allows to set a uniform terminology in the field.

The manual provides the essential foundations of private international law covering all areas of the subject - international jurisdiction, international cooperation of authorities, determination of the applicable law and recognition and enforcement -, supported by practical cases and incorporating the latest case law, so relevant in this area. This is why it is a useful tool for both undergraduate and master's degree students and professionals who have to resolve cases of both private international law and inter-territorial (traditionally called "inter-regional") law.