University Master's Degree in Modelling for Science and Engineering

Provide you with the mathematical and computational skills needed to analyse processes by constructing problem-solving models in meteorology, data analysis, biomedicine, neuroscience, etc.

Admission Official Master's Degree in Modelling for Science and Engineering

Teaching centre's admissions calendar


Application for admission: from February 2 to June 14, 2024
Notice of admission: June 28, 2024
Pre-enrolment (Reserve your place): until July 15, 2024
Enrolment: end of July 2024 (pending schedule)

EXTRA PERIOD (CLOSED, no places available)
Application for admission: 2-11 September, 2024
Notice of admission: September 13, 2024
Enrolment: pending schedule

Students interested in a UAB PhD programme must take into account the specific access requirements and contact to Escola de Doctorat.