Electoral campaign of the candidacy to Dean of the School

Eleccions Degana o Dega
Eleccions Degana o Dega

Once the candidacy for Dean of the School presented by Dr. Àlex Rialp Criado has deen definitely proclamed, and in accordance with the electoral calendar, an electoral campaign period has started, and will run until June 18.


Dear fellows,

From the candidacy I am heading, we intend, during the next 6 years (2024-2030), to make the decisions and take the actions from the Dean's Office that best represent the interests of all those people who, together, make up the FEiE-UAB Community (students , PDI and PTGAS), in order to give full meaning to the motto of our candidacy "Strength to move forward all together".

I therefore invite all the people of the Faculty to the following campaign events to get to know us more directly and to present to you the main axes and strategic objectives of our electoral program, which you will find on the electoral website of the Faculty, as well as by to collect all your possible contributions and/or suggestions for the good present and future governance of our Centre.

Acts of presentation and debate on the electoral program

• May 29, 2024, for Sabadell campus students (Seminar A, 1:30-2:30 p.m.).
• May 30, 2024, for students from the Bellaterra campus (Sala de Graus, 1:30-2:30 p.m.).
• June 11, 2024, for the PDI and PTGAS of the Sabadell campus (Seminar A, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.).
• June 12, 2024, for the PDI and PTGAS of the Bellaterra campus (Sala de Graus, 10:00-11:30 a.m.). 

Likewise, you can send your comments and/or suggestions to our membership through this form

Receive a warm greeting,
Alex Rialp Raised