The UAB Challenger Season starts with a food-related challenge
The first challenge of the Challenger Season 2023 begins on Monday 17 April. This year's edition focuses on improving the food served on campus and is entitled "Ajuda’ns a millorar l’alimentació del campus de la UAB perquè sigui més saludable i sostenible". All members of the university community can participate in this week-long challenge by submitting their proposal. The winning idea will be able to choose from different prizes.
The judges of the proposals submitted will take into account the originality and degree of innovation, feasibility and impact of the solution.
The Challenger Season 2023 is linked to the activities of the UAB's Health and Sustainability Week. Organised by the UAB Research Park, it aims to involve the UAB community in a series of challenges that will be posed over the next five weeks, aligned with the objectives of sustainable development, with the purpose of contributing ideas for each of the challenges.
Solutions to the challenges may be up to 200 words in length and in any format preferred; proposals may be submitted with sketches, renderings or any other means of project visualization and explanation.
The judges of the proposals submitted will take into account the originality and degree of innovation, feasibility and impact of the solution.
Proposals for this first challenge can be submitted until Thursday 20 April at 3 p.m. On Friday 21 April, the most innovative idea will be announced and awarded with two tickets to the Cruïlla festival and a laptop computer. In addition, the winners will be offered the possibility of receiving tips on how to define and develop their idea on campus.
Over the following weeks, four more challenges will be launched, related to mobility (24 April), waste (8 May), non-discrimination (15 May) and mental health (22 May).