The UAB will hold an event to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on the 17th of February

Dia Dona Nena Ciencia

To celebrate the 11 of February, the Day of Women and Girls in Science, this year the UAB will organise a joint event between the Observatory for Equality, the Faculty of Sciences, the Faculty of Biosciences and the School of Engineering. The event, which will present the tools to overcome androcentrism when teaching science and technology, will be held on the 17 of February, at 1 pm, in the Conference room of the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Biosciences.


This commemorative event is, in turn, a meeting to encourage and reinforce the knowledge about the tools available to the faculty of these disciplines to introduce gender perspective in the teaching field and science and technology research. Under the slogan “Let's overcome androcentrism in Science and Technology. We have the tools, we only have to use them”, the event will be hosted by Rosa Mª. Sebastián Pérez, vice-rector of Innovation and Strategic Projects, and it will count with Maria Olivella Quintana, professor at the UOC and co-coordinator of the Vives Network’s Guies per a una docència universitària amb perspectiva de gènere (Guidelines for university teaching with a gender perspective) project, Sònia Estradé Albiol, professor at the Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Barcelona and author of Guia d’Enginyeria Electrònica de Telecomunicació (A guide to Electronic Engineering in Telecommunications) and Sandra Saura Mas, professor at the Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology at the UAB, researcher at CREAF (Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications) and author of Guia de Biologia (A guide to Biology).

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science was endorsed by the UN in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This initiative is comprised of 17 proposal categories that include all kinds of measures that the governments must commit to implementing to achieve a future that respects human rights and the environment.

The 11 of February frames the 2030 Agenda measures for gender equality and states that parity can’t be obtained without the full and equal participation of women of all ages in scientific and technological innovations.

You will have to register first through the following form to attend the event.

You can consult the guides to the different disciplines available in the Vives Network of Universities here.

The UAB has Guia per treballar i avaluar les competències de la UAB (A guide to work and evaluate the UAB competencies) which includes the UAB gender competence here.

This information is related to the following SDG