"Validate your research" presents its five finalist projects

'Valida la teva recerca' presenta els cinc projectes finalistes

During the past few months, the Parc de Recerca and Doctoral School have paired up to offer the Validate your research entrepreneurial programme which aims to foster knowledge transfer among PhD students. Now the programme has come to an end, and on 15 July participants presented the projects they have been working on and which represent examples of how research can be carried on into the market and viable business models created from research projects. 


This is the second edition of the "Validate your research" programme, organised jointly by the UAB Parc de Recerca and the Doctoral School with the aim of fostering entrepreneurial skills among the UAB's PhD students.  

The programme began in April with the first online training phase focusing on funding options, creativity, intellectual property, business development, etc. Later came the second phase, a five-week mentoring phase, in which the selected projects received support from expert tutors in validating the business idea and finding the best application for it on the amrket. After that, the projects passed onto a prototype phase and finally, on 15 July they were presented to the public.

These are the five winning projects:

  • PIT3D: 3D printing of personalised breast prostheses, according to breast shape and weight. The PITD3D prostheses offer patients empowerment and a boost of self-confidence since the symmetry of the women's body can be maintained. This project was led by Àngels Placeres, PhD student in Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  
  • MOVE E-SALUD: mobile phone application and website offering a physical activity e-health and m-health programme that controls non-transferable chronic diseases. This business idea was presented by Edgar Hernández, PhD student in Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 
  • Clown Theatre Animation: workshop using the social-educational clown methodology to accompany socioculturally vulnerable groups. Training for people interested in using this methodology will also be offered. This project was presented by Mauricio Duran, PhD student in Education.  
  • SiSNe: detection tool for signs and symptoms associated to neurodevelopmental disorders in children from 9 to 36 months old. This project was presented by Valeria Escobar, PhD student in Clinical and Health Psychology. 
  • Tricho D: natural product (natural auxins) promoting plant growth in crops, improving the absorption of nutrients and protecting them from sun-borne diseases. In contrast to its synthetic prodecessor, it is a natural product that does not pollute underground waters. This project was designed by Roberto Carlos Solano, PhD student in Environmental Science and Technology.