XII CIEU-FEiE 2024 Award to the most enterprising person

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On Thursday 9 May, the XII CIEU-FEiE 2024 Award for the most enterprising person was held. The main objective of the event is to promote the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation among the members of the university community


This edition had 6 different award categories. The prize consists of a certificate that accredits the winner; free advice from the CIEU; and an economic endowment of 250 euros for each category. The winners were: Hotel Management Category: Ruth Domènech Fuentesauco: Tourism Category: Désirée López Parramón; Archival and Document Management Category: Mercè Lázaro García; Prevention and Integral Security Category: Eduard Domènech Ruda; Economy and Business Category: Daniel Clusellas and Vicenç Altimira; UAB General Category: Inés Lecuona.

The event was moderated by the director of CIEU, Andreu Turró and had the institutional participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dra. Judith Panadés and the Vice-Chancellor of Students and Employment, Dra. Anabel Galán. In addition, Alan Fusté, a graduate in Computer Engineering and Telecommunication Systems Engineering from the UAB, gave a presentation explaining his career as CEO and founder of the company "Mathew", a startup from Barcelona that has created an educational assistant for teachers and students using new technologies such as AI. Finally, Andreu Turró coordinated the award ceremony. The criteria taken into account to decide the winners are the entrepreneurial spirit of the participants, the entrepreneurial actions carried out and the originality and degree of innovation of the actions developed