Theatre, cinema, dance and music in the Inclusive Artistic Week at the UAB
The UAB Inclusive Artistic Week reaches its 4th edition and will be held from 25 to 27 Novermber on campus. It will offer theatre performances, cinema, dance and music, and aims to raise awareness among members of the UAB community on the inclusion of people with functional diversity in an entertaining and fun manner.
The 4th edition of the Inclusive Artistica Week will take place at the UAB on Monday 25 November. The Commitment and Community Office, alongside Cultura UAB and CERSIN UAB (Centre for Studies and Research on an Inclusive Society), aims to give visibility to inclusive art, promoting the active participation of people with functional diversity and showcasing the transformative potential of culture as a tool to break down barriers and foster social cohesion.
On Monday 25 November at 12 noon, the theatre music show Des-concert will be presented by Trastero de las Artes and IMPD, which represents a unique expression of creativity and poetry by fusing the art of clowning with the essence of the Temps per a tu (Time for you) programme. This initiative offers a program designed specifically for young adults with disabilities, providing them with the unique opportunity to train in the performing arts and explore their creativity in a comprehensive manner.
On Tuesday 26 November at 1 p.m., in collaboration with CCOO UAB, there will be a screening of the film Pride by Matthew Warchus (2024), based on real events and set in the Thatcher era, when a group of LGTBI activists raises funds to help the families of striking miners. The film highlights the importance of empathy and ethics in building more humane and inclusive bonds, reminding us that uniting collectives in defense of a common cause is a powerful way to confront social injustices.
On Wednesday 27 Novemebr at 4 p.m., university members will be able to enjoy the show Calidoscòpica, created by dancer and choreographer Sònia Gómez with the collaboration of Encarni Espallargas. An artistic proposal that fuses dance, music and performance to stage the encounter of two women. The work addresses the experiences of the artists through themes such as health, creativity and well-being, and offers a look at life and reality from a point of view distorted by mental health experiences, such as schizophrenia.
Amb una escenificació que convida a jugar i imaginar, Calidoscòpica indaga en la idea de la “bogeria” com a font de productivitat i explora com fer visible la creativitat enmig de l’estigma associat als trastorns mentals. L’obra proposa així una reflexió sobre la potencialitat de la ment més enllà dels prejudicis.
With a staging that invites the audience to play and imagine, Calidscòpica explores the idea of “madness” as a source of productivity, and explores how to make creativity visible in the midst of the stigma associated with mental disorders. The play thus proposes a reflection on the potential of the mind beyond prejudices.
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