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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Third edition of the Education for a Global Justice Seminar: a commitment to academic activism and international cooperation

25 Sep 2024
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Lecturers and researchers from the UAB, the Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia, and the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico, will meet in a seminar organised by the FAS to reflect upon activism from the academia sector and how to relate social demands with teaching, research and outreach programmes.

tercer seminari justícia global

The Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the UAB's Sodiladrity Foundation, organises the third edition of the Education for a Global Justice Seminar, a place of reflection, debate and training created under the framework of the Pluriversitat project, with funding from the Barcelona City Council. This seminar has become a platform from which to foster dialogue among international academic institutions and promote global justice through collaborations between academia and activists.

A virtual edition for global collaborations

This year, the third edition will be held in a virtual format, with the participation of lecturers, technical staff and researchers from the UAB, the Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA) and the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC). 

This year's central theme will be “Academic activism: how to link our struggles in teaching, research and outreach programme”, and will be developed over four thematic sessions: 

  1. 16 October 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.: Epistemologías decoloniales y feministas para la justicia global – Begonya Saez (UAB), Sara Fernández (UdeA), Mónica Ayala (UABC).
  2. 23 October 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.: Rompiendo los muros: la extensión universitaria y la metodología basada en retos y aprendizaje-servicio – Jofre Güell (UAB), Yasser Lennis (UdeA), Mary Carmen Arroyo (UABC).
  3. 30 October 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.: Movimientos sociales en aula: los efectos y afectos del activismo en la docencia y la investigación – Nair Zàrate (UAB), Marisabel Goez (UdeA), Rogelio Ruiz (UABC).
  4. 6 November 5:00 – 6:30p.m.: Educación, investigación y activismo para la justicia ambiental – Josep Espluga (UAB), Fabián Pino Granada (UdeA), Nathalia Carrillo (UABC).

Each session will be moderated by experts from the participating institutions, and will explore how activism can be articulated within academic work, enhancing transformative education committed to social and environmental justice. 

Una publicació recull les primeres dues edicions

In addition, the book Educación para la justicia global: una mirada desde la universidad, coordinated by Natalia Duque-Cardona, Hilda Mar Rodríguez-Gómez and Júlia Pírez-Curell, was recently published. This work compiles the debates of the first two editions of the seminar, held in 2022 and 2023, offering reflections on the connections between higher education and global justice. 

The book contains chapters that address the central issue of how public universities can contribute to Education for Global Justice Education (EGJ). Through the eight sessions of the second Seminar, in which 25 researchers, lecturers and technicians participated, topics such as academic activism, decolonial and feminist epistemologies, and social movements within the classroom were addressed. The book is presented as a tool to continue the debate and promote global justice from universities. 

Registrations and more information

For more information please contact FAS at fas.educacio.global@uab.cat.

To register please click here: https://forms.office.com/e/FqeSrdRASb

Links to previous seminars are available here:
