
The Master's in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Law of the UAB, situated in the current context, has as its main objective to take on one of these challenges, such as the formation of an adapted professional profile of lawyer/legal consultant to the new social and economic paradigm. Both the private and public sectors are demanding a dynamic profile, with highly qualified and specialized knowledge on Artificial Intelligence and Law, but also with transversal and interdisciplinary skills on technology, organization, information security, Big Data, etc. , in accordance with the requirements established by state and EU regulations. The program works on the necessary legal and technological side from an integrated and practical perspective

Subject Credits Type

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Law



Digital economy law: e-commerce, collaborative economy and crypto-assets



Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence



Cybersecurity and auditing in Artificial Intelligence environments



New legal paradigms for emerging technologies



Master's Thesis



TCS.Gen.modul 2. Expert Diploma in Framework of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Rights

Subject Credits Type

Legal framework of Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection



Legal framework of Artificial Intelligence and Data: Governance and regulatory compliance, legal and ethical responsibility of Artificial Intelligence




Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Law can be taken through two options:

- Enrol in the entire permanent master's degree subjects.
- Enrol in the Expert Diploma in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Law (study 4915), and once passed, enrol in the subjects of the Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Law (2nd block subjects).

Related programmes

Graduate Diploma in Legal Framework for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Law

Specific skills

-KT01: Identify the local, national and EU legal framework in relation to the protection of personal data, intellectual property and AI, in accordance with the identified regulations.
-KT02: Distinguish the use of the main emerging technologies: AI, Big Data, Internet of Things, Blockchain, as well as Legaltech tools.
-KT03: Identify questions related to e-commerce and digital economy, sharing economy, cryptocurrencies, information security and AI governance.
-KT04: Recognize areas of work related to AI and Digital Law.
-KT05: Define the effectiveness and the ethical and responsibility dilemmas of AI in the administration of intellectual property rights.

-ST01: Organize the information necessary to determine the treatment activities in which AI systems are applied.
-ST02: Analyse scientific literature and contextualize a research topic.
-ST03: Relate the impact on data protection of Artificial Intelligence systems.
-ST04: Identify the main AI technologies and their applicable legal regime.
-ST05: Practice audits of the regulatory compliance of Artificial Intelligence, as well how to collaborate on cybersecurity audits.
-ST06: Determine responsibility for defects in products made with systems of Artificial Intelligence, in the use of cryptocurrencies and their ethical dilemmas.

-CT01: To advise on those activities of the organization in which Artificial Intelligence systems are used.
-CT02: To advise and issue recommendations related to the legal responsibility, ethics, governance and regulatory compliance (compliance) of Artificial Intelligence.
-CT03: Advise and issue recommendations to the data controller on compliance with AI and personal data protection regulations, as well as other applicable regulations, e.g. intellectual property, technology blockchain and cybersecurity.
-CT04: Propose, when relevant, the carrying out of a data protection impact assessment (assessment with own resources or external to the company), and the most suitable methodology for carrying it out.
-CT05: Prioritize activities and measures derived from risks identified in the data protection impact assessment, in the face of more harmful situations in terms of impact and fundamental rights.
-CT06: Propose internal training activities or projects to provide organisation staff members training in the development of operations related to the treatment that require more attention, time and resources to mitigate previously identified risks.

Title obtained

Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Law