
- Entrepreneurial freedom and legal framework for business activity: commercial contracts 6 ECTS
- Legal research methodology I 6 ECTS
- Maritime Law 6 ECTS
- Commercial arbitration and industrial property 9 ECTS
- Competition law 6 ECTS
- Banking and insurance law 6 ECTS
- Legal research methodology II 6 ECTS
- Corporate law and bankruptcy law 9 ECTS
- Master thesis 6 ECTS

Subject Credits Type

Entrepreneurial freedom and legal framework for Business activity: commercial contracts



Legal Research Methodology I



Maritime Law



Commercial arbitration and industrial property



Competition law



Banking and insurance law



Legal Research Methodology II



Company Law and Insolvency Law



Master's Degree Dissertation



Specific skills

- Possess knowledge of the regulation and legal problems of business in a European and international context from a social perspective.
- Assess situations and conflicts with legal implications arising in the field of business law in a multidisciplinary manner.
- Be able to apply strategies for the analysis, anticipation and resolution of legal problems that arise in the internal and international legal traffic of companies.
- Have the ability to integrate knowledge, deal with complexity and formulate judgements within their field of specialisation.
- Be aware of the social aspect of the problems linked to the legal transactions of companies.
- Be able to communicate, verbally or in writing, their knowledge and the conclusions of their work.
- Write and/or present technical reports aimed at both a public with legal knowledge and a public without legal knowledge.
- Convey or disseminate the essential aspects of a legal problem to a lay audience.
- Be able to manage negotiation processes between people with different interests.

Transferable skills

- Development in contexts of diversity, so that the student is able to develop his/her work in heterogeneous social and technical frameworks, working in transdisciplinary teams.
- Social interaction: the student is able to interact with diverse individuals, groups, institutions or organisations. They are capable of accompanying and advising people, as well as defending arguments and justifications with clarity and precision and in a context-appropriate manner. Is able to value the contributions of others. Ability to listen and question.
- Ethical and political responsibilities: shows commitment to the effects of his/her practice and the consequences of his/her action in any context of intervention. Is able to question principles, theoretical and practical values of the intervention and to assess the involvement that the researcher and/or interventionist requires.
- Teamwork: the learner generates synergies in work environments that involve different people, incorporating the actions of others into their own actions, working in a coordinated and collaborative way, in order to facilitate the achievement of the objectives that give rise to this joint work. Is able to develop tasks in a coordinated and collaborative way.
-Negotiation. The overall idea is that the student learns and practices negotiation techniques from a 360-degree viewpoint, so that aspects that sometimes go unnoticed are addressed, such as negotiating attitude, emotional management, language and time management.
- Decision-making. Learning to choose between different alternatives, acquiring strategies to solve legal problems, comparing the various options in order to make the most appropriate decision.
- Initiative and purposefulness. To be able to achieve one's own goals, to propose arguments or solutions of value that give rise to processes of change and improvement.
- Autonomous work. Develop sufficient knowledge to be able to independently search for sources of legal research, such as regulations, court rulings, doctrinal texts and other resources to carry out the Master's thesis and to pass the assessment of the different modules and subjects.

Title obtained

Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in Business Law