Master's Degree in Environmental Communication

Learn to explain the planet through different perspectives, techniques and formats. Registration includes a full trip that, each year, will have a different theme and destination


Cristina Maria Pulido Rodriguez

Santiago Tejedor Calvo

Teaching staff

Michele Catanzaro

Laura Cervi

Carolina Escudero

Jesus Garcia Pastor

Jorge Grau Rebollo

Buenaventura Guamis Lopez

Jesús Martínez Fernández

Xavier Ortuño Iserte

Jose Manuel Perez Tornero

Marta Portales Oliva

Cristina Maria Pulido Rodriguez

David Revelles Soriano

Núria Roselló Gregori

David Rull Ribo

Jordi Serrallonga Atset

Santiago Tejedor Calvo

Jose Juan Veron Lassa

Coordinating centres

Departamento de Periodismo y de Ciencias de la Comunicación