
Situation, environment and analysis of projects from the perspective of production:
- Introduction to the current production context.
- Contemplation of the elements that influence the decision to produce a script. Consideration of the strengths or weaknesses of the chosen options. Production as an enhancer of the author's work to achieve a good script and complete development of the project. Other important tools such as script laboratories, co-script work and the script editor figure. Development of the producer's critical capacity to analyze the final result of the work. Contemplation of the elements that influence the selection of a project in the different selection commissions of television stations or film festivals.

Production and co-production process:
- The production process with executive production as a catalyst from the first stages of development to post-production coordination, including the preparation of budgets and financing plans, shooting plans, hiring of equipment and treasury, rights – music, archive, options on original and adapted script -, the casting process.
- Co-production between autonomies and international co-productions. Ability to bring together creative and financial efforts. Consideration of participation percentages. Contemplation of the search for allies: co-production markets. Analysis of the appearance of digital platforms in the audiovisual market.

Financing of audiovisual projects:
Analysis of traditional film financing systems: aid for cinematography and public funds, ICAA, ICEC, ICO, ICF, IBERMEDIA, EURIMAGES, television networks - co-production and broadcast rights -, venture capital companies, etc. Consideration of new forms of film financing both in Spain and in other territories. Consideration of the operation of the tax relief system (Tax Shelter) in other countries (such as Belgium) where private capital partially finances its cinematography. Consideration of the Financing Societies of the Cinematographic and Audiovisual Industry (SOFICA) in France. Contemplation of the creation and operation of an Economic Interest Grouping (AIE). Contemplation of micro-patronage platforms and campaigns. Tax incentives.

- Marketing in audiovisual projects:
Contemplation of the best product launch strategy to be carried out. Forecast of the possible audience, of the best circuits, festivals visited in the different exploitation windows-

- Business strategies and practices in companies:
- Consideration of the production company as a company and consequently it must be established in a business plan that places it in its right place in the market. Brand creation, positioning, business lines and profit centers, organization chart, the producer manager and the producer project manager, the editorial line and the film.
- The students will develop a professional internship with some of the companies in the film sector that collaborate with the program (production companies, distributors, film festivals).

Subject Credits Type

Situation, environment and analysis of projects from the perspective of production



Production and co-production processes



Financing of audiovisual projects



Marketing in audiovisual projects



Business Strategies



Internships in Companies



Master's thesis



Specific skills

-KT01: Describe the main characteristics of a highly viable production in the context of the audiovisual sector and attractive from the audience's perspective
-KT02: Identify the practices necessary to comply with fiscal and health regulations and obtain economic resources in the system of public aid for audiovisual production
-KT03: Define the strengths of sectoral corporate participation in the field of audiovisual productions
-KT04: Indicate the most effective channels for access to communication with the organization chart of an exhibition company
-KT05: Recognize the most effective keys to adjust subjective action criteria to the appropriate impact of the production and distribution chain
-KT06: identify the principles of business training in the field of production and distribution
-KT07: Identify the elements that determine the potential adaptability of a script

-ST01: build business and institutional networks
-ST02: Experience the analytical capacity of an audiovisual project
-ST03: Apply the global and complex humanist training of the collective imagination
-ST04: Examine the vital dynamism and solidarity availability in teamwork
-ST05: Examine the different exploitation channels of a finished film
-ST06: Build the budget control model for the production and distribution of an audiovisual text
-ST07: Develop a possible financing plan for the production and distribution of an audiovisual text

-CT01: Explain the various processes that facilitate good coordination and cohesion in teamwork
-CT02: Evaluate the feasibility of designing a digital marketing plan in a real professional context
-CT03: Analyze the strengths of creating an audiovisual text in the different dissemination windows
-CT04: Compile the breakdown of a script into a shooting plan considering the budget and treasury
-CT05: Compare the legal parameters of different countries regarding contracting in the field of production and distribution of audiovisual products
-CT06: Justify the best co-production options in the cinematographic field
-CT07: Generate a viable and effective marketing plan in the international market

Title obtained

Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in Film Production & Distribution