Master's Degree in Fine Chemistry and Polymers

Professional initiation program fully supported by chemical companies. Free registration fees for all admitted students and 21 months of paid internships in leading chemical companies. Excellent employability of graduates.

  • UAB Master's Degree (Continuing Education)
  • Code: 3683/9
  • 9th edition
  • Modality: Onsite
  • Credits: 120 ECTS
  • Start date: 07/01/2025
  • Finish date: 31/12/2026
  • Places: 26
  • Orientation: Research, Professional
  • Price: 7920 €
  • Special price 7920 €
    Group of application: Free registration, financing by companies in the chemical sector
  • Teaching language: Spanish
  • Location: Departamento de Química UAB, Bellaterra y empresas colaboradoras
Master's Degree in Fine Chemistry and Polymers

Visit for a complete and more detailed information about the programme, as well as for the pre-registration procedure.

The most outstanding characteristics of the Master’s Degree in Fine Chemistry and Polymers are the following:

  • This master’s degree is fully funded by the collaborating chemical companies. For this reason, tuition is free for all admitted students. In addition, students receive, along the two years, a monthly financial support from the company for a total of € 22,200.
  • Two-year programme, starting every January. The first three months correspond to intensive theoretical and practical education at the university, followed by 21 months of full-time internship in a company. The official language of the programme is Spanish.
  • The selection process is based on the merit assessment, as well as in the motivation, initiative and attitudes shown in the interviews that the candidates carry out with the programme’s Coordination and with the participating companies.
  • The master’s degree is compatible with the official master’s degree of the Department of Chemistry at UAB, which grants access to PhD studies.
  • The programme has shown to provide graduates with excellent job opportunities, as well as facilitating the grant of scholarships for doctoral studies to those students who choose the academic career.

Career opportunities

Careers in any national or multinational company in the fine chemicals or polymers sector.

Scholarships and financial aid

The total cost of the registration fee (7,920 euros) is entirely covered by the partner company that selected the candidate. In addition, the admitted students will receive a study grant from the company of 300 euros/month for the first three months of theoretical classes, 900 euros/month for the following nine months of internship in the company and 1,100 euros/month for the entire second year of internship.

Coordinating centres

Departamento de Química

Collaborating centres

KAO Corporation
Institut d'Investigació Textil (UPC)


Ona Illa Soler

Phone: 93 581 48 84

Additional information

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