• UAB Master's Degree (Continuing Education)
  • Code: 2213/16
  • 16th edition
  • Modality: Onsite
  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Start date: 25/09/2024
  • Finish date: 21/05/2025
  • Places: 41
  • Orientation: Professional
  • Price: 3800 €
  • Teaching language: Catalan (50%), Spanish (50%)
  • Location: E.U.I de l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Barcelona
Western industrial societies with a high level of technology have generated a style of living characterised by, among other things, a high level of stress; this brings on an increase in mental illness.

It is calculated that 25% of the population will suffer some form of mental illness throughout life, making it essential that there be more material and human resources available to help those affected by such illness.

Since the 1960s to the present, experimental change in the approach taken to mental illness with a broad range of resources has been significant, it is essential that this keeps on progressing, that the challenge represented by our lifestyles continues to be met and that greater number of psychiatry and health-cared professionals be trained to meet the demand and to ensure that the illness is redirected towards the enjoyment of a better level of mental health.

This master's degree in psychiatric and mental health nursing, centring principally on health promotion and issues of prevention, on patient-specific attention to those sufering psychiatric problems and on the bio-psycho-social, emotional and spiritual recuperation of people currently undergoing problems of mental health care, will contribute to the training of nurses capable of giving the care demanded by society to people with mental illness and of satisfying the training needs of professionals inerested in the issues and problems associated with such illness, thus contributing to these professionals' ability to provide comprehensive and quality-based care.

Career opportunities

- The integration of the competences acquired on this master's will facilitate holders to:
- Form part of interdisciplinary teams for the comprehensive assessment of mental health and illness.
- Lead nursing consultation and services offering comprehensive cure to people affected by problems of mental health.
- Health and/or public health services centred on the promotion of mental health and the prevention and stabilisation of mental-health problems.
- Management of the provision of public health services for people suffering mental-health problems.

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería del Hospital de la Santa Cruz y de San Pablo


Seyla de Francisco Prófumo

Phone: 935537833

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