Master's Degree in Support for Educational and Social Inclusion

Professionalising master's degree that trains specialists to provide socio-educational responses to the needs of people in an inclusive society. It facilitates obtaining the professional Attention to Diversity Profile

  • UAB Master's Degree (Continuing Education)
  • Code: 2824/14
  • 14th edition
  • Modality: Blended
  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Start date: 01/09/2025
  • Finish date: 30/09/2026
  • Places: 30
  • Orientation: Professional
  • Price: 3960 €
  • Special price 3762 €
    Group of application: ALUMNI UAB
    Special price 3762 €
    Group of application:
  • Teaching language: Catalan (50%), Spanish (50%)
  • Location: Virtual / Faculty of Education Sciences. Building G5. Pl. del Conocimiento, s/n - Campus UAB, Bellaterra

Are you interested in learning methodological strategies for inclusive education? Do you want to be able to analyse barriers to learning and participation that people may encounter in different contexts and throughout their lives?

This master's degree will allow you to become a competent professional in the identification and management of environmental resources, in generating spaces for networking and collaboration with other professionals, families and the community.

The degree is divided into 7 theoretical-practical modules. Each can be taken as a separate specialisation course; a module of supervised internships in schools/centres of education and the master’s degree final project (TFM).

The course will cover Inclusive Technology; Inclusive Perspectives from Art; Emotional Education, Sexuality and Disability; Improving Disorders and Behavioural Problems; The Response of the Inclusive Society to Autism Spectrum Disorder; Socio-Educational Support for Developing Cognitive Abilities; and the Response of Inclusive Education to Learning Disorders and Difficulties.

The course is organised in a semi-online manner, with class-based teaching concentrated in two weeks halfway through the training period.

Career opportunities

Students graduating from this master's degree will be trained to:

- Respond to educational support needs in a context of education for all
- Work among equals in the processes of educational and social inclusion
- Dynamise networking in order to meet educational support needs

As professional opportunities, the master's degree allows you to:

- Obtain the professional profile of Attention to Diversity for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education teachers, according to Resolution NOS/1128/2016
- Access to the employment exchange in the speciality of Therapeutic Pedagogy for Primary Education teachers during their interim period, according to Resolution NOS/113/2012 of 25 January
- Access institutions in the social and educational field interested in the development of inclusion processes and where they work with people with specific support needs


Within the framework of an inclusive education and society, students of the master's degree will carry out a compulsory supervised internship in an institution for a total of 80 hours. The institutions where internships can be carried out will be early childhood, primary and secondary education centres as well as institutions in the social field that carry out tasks related to social inclusion with vulnerable groups.

In the event that the student is working in an educational institution, the work placements may be recognised, but not the tutorials or the work placement report and its presentation. One of the main objectives will be the theoretical and practical reflection on the educational reality from a participatory and collaborative approach, and the planning, implementation and evaluation of an intervention that brings a more inclusive approach to the institution.

Students will have tutorials with Master's lecturers. Throughout the course, and in small working groups, a report related to educational practice will be prepared to facilitate the theoretical and practical interrelation of the different educational scenarios.

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Collaborating centres

Centre d'Estudis i Recerca per a una Societat Inclusiva (CERSIN)


Maria García Ramón

Phone: 935811180

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