
A1. Introduction to the Study of Contemporary Migration: Theories, Key Concepts and Current Challenges
- Introduction to the main theories and concepts associated with the study of international migration.
- The global context of contemporary migration
- Gender and race as these discriminatory factors in migration processes.
- Human mobility, climate change and the environment
- Media and migration narratives

A2. Multilevel Governance of Migration: Comparative Perspectives
- An Introduction to the Governance of International Migration
- The axes of migration and asylum policy in the EU
- US migration management and its impacts
- Governance and Migration Policy in the South: A Regional Perspective

A3. The international legal framework for transnational human mobility
- Approach. The regulation of transnational human mobility
- The right to asylum
- Typologies of regular migration
- Irregular status: determining factors and legal issues

A4. Local Public Policies: Innovation and Diversity
- Introduction
- Sectoral public policies. International perspective and regional approach EU-Latin America
- Case studies: new social challenges and innovative actions

A5. Final project

Subject Credits Type

Introduction to the Study of Contemporary Migration: Theories, Key Concepts and Current Challenges



Multilevel Governance of the Migration Phenomenon: Comparative Perspectives



International Legal Framework for Transnational Human Mobility



Local Public Policies: Innovation and Diversity



Final Project



Specific skills

- KT01: Explain from a holistic perspective the internal, intra-regional and international migratory dynamics that occur in Europe and Latin America in a context of globalisation
- KT02: Relate the dimensions of gender and race from an intersectional lens in order to determine the multiple inequalities in the contexts of human mobility
- KT03: Identify the different models and instruments of migration governance at international, national and sub-national levels, reflecting on the limitations, challenges and potential of each of them
- KT04: Recognise the sources of border control, visa and migration regularisation systems in different territorial contexts
- KT05: To discuss the scope, content and validity of the legal categories in which the processes of transnational human mobility are identified
- KT06: To recognise the key and emerging issues of local and regional political agendas in the field of migration
- KT07: To distinguish diverse data sources focused on the development of research and intervention projects linked to the field of contemporary migration

- ST01: Identify emerging issues and current social challenges facing the migration phenomenon today
- ST02: To construct alternative discourses to the dominant narratives on migration from a critical, intersectional, comprehensive and balanced perspective
- ST03: Distinguish the elements that, in the instruments of migration management, entail an advance in the recognition of and respect for HR in the framework of the governance of international migration
- ST04: Analyse the coherence, effectiveness and fairness of the regulations presented, in relation to human rights, due process and other fundamental legal principles, showing an understanding of the challenges and legal dilemmas in the field of comparative migration
- ST05: Interpret the trade-offs between state sovereignty and the rights of human beings as determinants of regulations governing transnational human mobility
- ST06: To compare innovative policy actions designed on a local and regional scale, focused on addressing the processes of incorporation of people of migrant origin
- ST07: To interpret the challenges posed by migration management for the development of sectoral public policies
- ST08: Critically analyse personal work and apply these resources for professional development

- CT01: Design a proposal for critical and comparative analysis focused on understanding the behaviour of contemporary migratory flows, showing the assimilation of theoretical and conceptual knowledge of an interdisciplinary nature
- CT02: Synthesise the main characteristics of migration policies in Latin American and European countries, critically observing the results obtained in social terms, based on their application
- CT03: To formulate alternative applications of migration policy instruments that are compatible with the global development agendas promoted under the auspices of the United Nations (UN)
- CT04: Defend, orally and in writing and on the basis of the regulations studied, the premises for the resolution of cases in the context of both Latin America and Europe
- CT05: Evaluate the impact of multi-scale and sectorial public policies developed in contexts with a high presence of migrant population
- CT06: Propose instruments for decision-making and innovation in the development of sectoral public policies
- CT07: Adapt autonomously and critically the knowledge and skills acquired when developing or participating in interdisciplinary projects of intervention or scientific collaboration related to the field of international migration
- CT08: Relate theoretical and applied knowledge, observing the integral and comparative social reality

Title obtained

Specialisation Diploma in International Migration: A Dialogue between Europe and Latin America