• UAB Specialisation Diploma
  • Code: 1698/18
  • 18th edition
  • Modality: Online
  • Credits: 30 ECTS
  • Start date: 07/10/2024
  • Finish date: 23/05/2025
  • Places: 25
  • Orientation: Academic, Professional
  • Price: 1680 €
  • Teaching language: Catalan (50%), Spanish (50%)
  • Location: Online
The music unit of the Department of Music, Arts and Dance has a long tradition of continuing education programmes based on the wide experience of most of its faculty in this area.

The offer of courses and postgraduates in musical education is quite small. With proposals like this, it is attempted to fill this formative vacuum, adapting it to current needs.

On the other hand, there is also a historical commitment to the development of technologies for learning and knowledge (TAC) as educational tools and, specifically, in musical education.

And it is a challenge to develop a music training offer exclusively online.

In October 2007, the 1st edition of the Postgraduate in Musical Education (online) began and since then year after year, the UAB has offered this study without interruption.

Career opportunities

They are curricular training complements for music teachers in different educational levels: children, primary, secondary, university, music schools and conservatories.


UAB masters and graduate diplomas may include or facilitate external academic internships in companies or institutions in order to help the student to achieve a level of expertise that facilitates the insertion or promotion in the workplace.

For this study programme non-curricular (optional) internships are possible:

  • Non-curricular
    As a UAB student, you have access to the University occupation portal, the Occupability Service, through which you can participate in selection processes for non-curricular practices as well as getting a contract. In both cases, you need to sign up to the Nexus application.

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal


Cristina Gonzalez Martin

Phone: 935812673

More information