Minor in Medieval Romance Cultures and Literatures


The objective of the minor is to offer students solid training in the main literary traditions existing in Romance languages.

Europe has been united historically since the Middle Ages, a period in which culture was an important part of life. Literature in that period generated processes that led to the formation of identities which went beyond political, language and social frontiers and which largely persist today. The minor provides students with a solid approximation to medieval literature in Europe; to the society which produced and enjoyed it; and to the effects it has had in Western art and culture up to current days.

Student profile

The minor includes cross curricular contents from the most generic sector of the humanities. This proposal is specially addressed to students of the Humanities, Language Studies and History; as well as students from other faculties interested in gaining more knowledge in the area of the humanities.


Lectures will take place at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Each year 30 places will be available.
Academic coordination

Jordi Cerdà
93 581 23 20
Departament de Filologia Francesa i Romànica
Àrea de Filologia Romànica
