Dean's office

Equip del deganat

Deanship team

Dean: Juan Jesús Donaire Benito

Vice Dean for Students and Promotion: Lluís Casas Duocastella.

Secretary and Vice Dean for Exchange Programmes: Montserrat López Mesas

Vice Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs: Eva Mª Pellicer Vilà

Vice Dean for Economics and Graduate Academic Affairs: Ramon Alibés Arqués

Secretary for the Dean's Office: Carmen Naya Barrera

Coordinator of Teacher Innovation Projects in Science: Eva Pellicer Vilà  

Equality policy manager: Natalia Castellana Vila

Chair of the Sustainability Commission: Elena Druguet Tantiaa

Center Manager: Anna Barragán Leiva

Scholar Manager: Lluís Trulls Pararols

Quality Manager: Mar Jorba Escribano

Core competencies of the centre:

a) Draw up and review study plans in accordance with the directives of the University's governing bodies.

b) Draw up new academic programme and training proposals, and collaborate in the organisation of graduate and continuous learning activities.

c) Organise, coordinate and supervise teaching activities and the fulfilment of obligations by the lecturing staff.

d) Organise, coordinate and supervise the management of services.

e) Propose reasonable modifications in relation to the workplaces of administration and services staff, in accordance to the terms set down in Section III of the faculty's Statutes.

f) Manage the budget and personal and material means assigned.

g) Establish relations between departments and other teaching centres with the aim of guaranteeing a well coordination of lectures and streamlining of academic and administrative management tasks.

h) Aid departments and other basic academic structures at the Faculty of Sciences to formulate suggestions in the matter of applying and developing study plans.

i) Issue academic certificates and manage enrolment processes, record transfers, credit validations and other academic processes.

j) Promote improvements in the quality of teaching and participate in evaluation processes.

k) Promote cultural, training and university outreach activities.

l) Promote participation in the centre's representative organs.

m) Act as an information, representation and participation channel for members of the university community within the University's government and in the relation between university and society.

n) Propose to the governing bodies the formalisation of agreements with other institutions.

o) Participate in the process of creation, modification and supression of faculties and schools and of the departments offering lectures at the faculty.

p) Exercise any other function included in the Statutes, university regulations or laws applicable under the faculty's domains.

The Governing Bodies of the Faculty of Science are: Faculty Board, Permanent Board, the Dean and team.

Faculty Board

The Faculty Board is the highest representative body in the Faculty. It is made up of the Dean, the Dean’s team, the Faculty General-Secretary and representatives of academic staff and researchers teaching at the centre, student representatives and representatives of the administration and services staff.

The functions of the Faculty Board are to elect the Dean, approve and modify where necessary the Faculty regulations, draw up the general lines of action for the Faculty and supervise the management of the Faculty Governing Bodies.

The Dean and the Dean’s team

The Dean is the Faculty representative and acts in its name.

The Dean represents the Faculty both within and outside the university, directs and coordinates the governing team, calls and chairs meetings of the Faculty Board and implements its agreements.

The Dean is elected by the Faculty Board from among the PhD staff in the Faculty who belong to the permanent university teaching bodies, and is nominated by the Rector.

The Dean’s team is made up of three Assistant Deans and a Secretary.


Dr Juan Jesús Donaire Benito

Dra. Montserrat López Mesas
Secretary and Vice Dean for Exchange Programmes (attestor, mobility, exchange programmes)

Dr Lluís Casas Duocastella
Vice Dean for Students (students, institutional events, promotion)

Dra. Eva Maria Pellicer Vilà
Vice Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs
(undergraduate studies, teaching)

Dr Ramon Alibés Arqués
Vice Dean for Economics and Graduate Academic Affairs
(budget, facilities, graduate studies)