The UAB Promoting knowledge, encouraging innovation

The UAB in figures


109 bachelor's degrees (2022-2023)
143 official master's degrees (2022-2023)
135 UAB Master's Degrees (2021-2022)
314 lifelong learning programmes (2021-2022)
27,301 undergraduate students (25,709 full-time equivalent) (2022-2023)
3,127 official master's students (2022-2023)
2,290 UAB master's degree students (2021-2022)
4,041 Lifelong learning programmes students (2021-2022)
7,180 first-year undergraduate students (2022-2023)
2,443 new official master's degree students (2022-2023)
4,982 bachelor's degree graduates (2021-2022)
2,109 official master's degree graduates (2021-2022)
5,236 undergraduate students at affiliated centres (2022-2023)
654 official master's degree students in affiliated centres (2022-2023)
1,474 first-year undergraduate students at affiliated centres (2022-2023)
502 new official master's degree students at affiliated centres (2022-2023)
1,001 bachelor's degree graduates at affiliated centres (2021-2022)
514 master's degree graduates at affiliated centres (2021-2022)
60 MOOC offered at Coursera (2022-2023)
253,150 MOOC students (2022-2023)
86% Bachelor's degree performance rate (2021-2022)
93% Employment rate (AQU 2020)


68 Phd programmes (2022-2023)
24 industrial doctorates (2022)
4,587 PhD students (2022-2023)
745 PhD theses (2021-2022)
92 International research projects (2022)
262 national research projects (2022)
9 European Research Council (ERC) grants for UAB and UAB-CEI Sphere (2021-2022)
4,901 articles published (2022, Scopus)
576 training research staff (2022)
623 research agreements (2022)
16 priority patents applications (2022)
12 new companies started at the UAB campus (2021)
78.3% research and teaching staff with current research recognisements (2022)
25.2% research and teaching staff team-leaders in research projects (2019)
€106.2M total funding for research and transfer (2022)
€85.8M obtained from competitive research calls (2022)
€20.4M in research agreements and services (2022)


1,423 foreign bachelor's degree students (2022-2023)
5.2% foreign bachelor's degree students (2022-2023)
1,086 official Master degrees' foreign students (2022-2023)
34.7% Official Master degrees' foreign students ratio (2022-2023)
1,016 UAB Master degrees' foreign students (2021-2022)
44.4% UAB Master degrees' foreign students ratio (2021-2022)
1,762 PhD foreign students (2022-2023)
38.4% PhD foreign students ratio (2022-2023)
1,414 UAB students in mobility programmes (2022-2023)
21.5% graduates with training abroad (2018-2019)
1,725 foreign students in mobility programmes (2022-2023)
2,378 foreign students in the Study Abroad programmes (2022-2023)
397 foreign teaching and research staff (2022)
9.5% foreign teaching and research staff (2022)
25% English-taught official master's degrees (2022-2023)
9 Erasmus Mundus Master's programmes (2022-2023)
54.3% articles from international collaborations (Scimago IBE 2023)


4.200 teaching and research staff (2022)
2,957 academic staff full-time equivalent (2022)
1,334 permanent academic staff (2022)
2,271 administration and services staff (2022)
15 UAB teaching centers
10 affiliated teaching centers
57 departments
177 consolidated research groups (2022)
25 studies and research centers
9 UAB research institutes
39 vinculated research institutes
7 general services for university community
56 research and transfer support services
1 teaching support services

Budget and finances

€367.7M liquidated income budget (2022)
61.0% public income in total budget (2022)

All the figures

For more information visit the webpage Dades del curs 2022-2023.