Study plan Bachelor's Degree in English and Catalan Studies

Study guides

The information currently available corresponds to the subjects offered during the 2024/25 academic year. If you wish to consult the information included in a study guide not found on the list, please visit the Digital Repository of Documents. The complete information of all the subjects of the Degree can be consulted in the Study Plan and timetables section.

The information on the languages used in each subject can be found in the study guide for each subject.

1st year

 100271 - Comparative Literature

 105824 - Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar: From Clause to Utterance

 105823 - Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar: From Sound to Word

 106279 - English Grammar I: from Word to Sentence

 106282 - Introduction to English Literature

 100228 - Introduction to Linguistics

 105836 - Literary Genres and Contemporary Society

 106286 - Speaking and Listening for Academic Purposes I

 106287 - Writing and Reading for Academic Purposes I

 105835 - Literary Movements from Modernisme to Postmodernism

2nd year

 105826 - Introduction to Catalan Philology

 106297 - British Romantic Literature

 105842 - Catalan Literature from Romanticism to Realism

 105829 - Catalan Phonology (2023-24)

 106284 - Cultural History of the British Isles

 106280 - English Grammar II: Sentence

 105839 - From Bernat Metge to Curial e Güelfa

 105827 - Lexis and Grammar

 106288 - Speaking and Listening for Academic Purposes II

 106289 - Writing and Reading for Academic Purposes II

3rd year

 105830 - Catalan Syntax

 105841 - Contemporary Catalan Poetry

 106285 - Cultural History of the USA

 106291 - English Phonetics and Phonology I

 105846 - Linguistic Foundations of Catalan Prescriptive Grammar

 106304 - Literature of the United States I: 19c.

 105843 - Tirant lo Blanc and Medieval Narrative

 100246 - Victorian Literature

4th year

 106656 - Bachelor’s Degree Final Project

 105834 - Catalan Dialectology

 106295 - Contrastive Linguistics: English-Catalan/Spanish


 105844 - Ausiàs March and European Poetry

 100275 - Biological Bases of Language

 105850 - Catalan as a Second Language

 105840 - Catalan Literature from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment

 105831 - Catalan Morphology

 105845 - Catalan Theatre

 106301 - Contemporary Literature in English: 20c-21c.

 106322 - Cultural Studies in Anglophone Countries (2023-24)

 106320 - English for Specific Purposes (2023-24)

 106311 - English in a Global Context

 100249 - English Literature from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment

 106293 - English Syntactic Analysis

 106323 - Gender Studies in Anglophone Countries

 106307 - Introduction to the Acquisition and Teaching of English

 100196 - Language Acquisition

 100272 - Linguistic Typology

 100262 - Literary Thought

 106732 - Literature and Journalism: from Josep Pla to Montserrat Roig

 100254 - Literature and the Practice of Comparative Literature

 106305 - Literature of the United States II: From Modernism to 1950 

 105854 - Medieval Catalan Tales and the Romance Tradition

 100040 - Modern Language I (Basque)

 100037 - Modern Language I (French)

 100038 - Modern Language I (German)

 100039 - Modern Language I (Italian)

 100044 - Modern Language I (Modern Greek)

 100042 - Modern Language I (Portuguese)

 104088 - Modern Language I (Romanian)

 100049 - Modern Language II (Basque)

 100046 - Modern Language II (French)

 100047 - Modern Language II (German)

 100048 - Modern Language II (Italian)

 100053 - Modern Language II (Modern Greek)

 100051 - Modern Language II (Portuguese)

 104089 - Modern Language II (Romanian)

 105855 - Narcís Oller and Realism in European Literature

 105838 - Narrative: From Víctor Català to Mercè Rodoreda

 100688 - Questions of Comparative Grammar

 100239 - Semantics and Pragmatics

 105825 - Social History of the Catalan Language

 105833 - Structure, Meaning and Discourse

 106330 - Teaching English Literature

 106319 - Translation

 106314 - Varieties of English (2023-24)

 106338 - Western Literary Tradition. The Construction of European Literature

 106654 - Work Placement I

 106655 - Work Placement II