University Master's Degree in Applied Clinical Research in Health Sciences

This is an opportunity to discover and master applied research methodology from a practical and multidisciplinary approach, from both a local and international perspective

Admission Official Master's Degree in Applied Clinical Research in Health Sciences

Teaching centre's admissions calendar

Application Deadline Resolution Deadline Pre-payment for registration / Enrolment

Between 12/01/2024 and 30/04/2024


Until one month after notification of admission.

Enrolment: July 

If you do not reserve your place within the set period, the Faculty reserves the right to assign it to another applicant.
Between 1/05/2024 and 24/06/2024 8/07/2024 Without pre-payment. Enrolment: July If you do not enroll within the term, the Faculty reserves the right to assign the vacancy to another applicant.
Between 25/06/2024 and 31/08/2024 9/09/2024 Only if there are any vacancy. Without reservation
Between 1/09/2024 and 2/10/2024 4/10/2024 Only if there are any vacancy. Without reservation