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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB organises online workshops to manage stress and anxiety before exams

24 May 2024
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The university dedicates the course to mental health under the slogan La salut mental està en joc #guanyemlapartida [“Mental health is at stake #letswinthismatch”. As part of this programme, an online workshop has been organised on 31 May and 7 June through Microsoft Teams.

Taller online gestió de l'estrès i l'ansietat davant dels exàmens

The workshop on stress management and anxiety before exams has been organised with the aim of destigmatising mental health problems and help students obtain tools that allow them to achieve their recovery and improve their quality of life. The person who will give the workshop will be Guillermo Parra, lecturer of the Stress and Health Unit of the Psychology and Speech Therapy Service of the UAB. Both sessions will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. The first session will be held on 31 May and the second session will be held on 7 June from 2 pm to 3 pm. To participate, prior registration is required.  
