Jordi Arbonès Collection

Fons Personal
Humanities Library

Jordi Arbonès (Barcelona, 1929 – Bernal, Buenos Aires, 2001), Catalan translator and cultural activist. He belonged to the Penya Cultural Barcelonesa and collaborated in the magazine Inquietud (1954-1955). He left for Argentina in 1956.

In Buenos Aires he participated in numerous activities of the Casal de Catalunya, he founded the Obra Cultural Catalana (1966) and collaborated in Catalunya and in Ressorgiment. He translated a hundred books into Catalan and fifty to Spanish.

In May 2003, the family donated his personal collection to the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and, shortly afterwards, the Jordi Arbonès Chair was set up, responsible for preserving, studying and disseminating his legacy.

Description of the collection: The collection is made up of his personal and professional documentation. It consists basically of manuscripts of his work, correspondence, professional and family documentation, etc. The collection contains 4975 documents, of which 3587 are letters. It also includes a selection of his personal library consisting of 989 books.

Limit dates: 1909-2009

Date of incorporation: 2003

Depository library: Humanities Library

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