Laptop loan service
All university members are allowed to borrow laptops at the UAB libraries.
The first time you borrow a laptop you will have to fill out and sign a form accepting the laptop loan regulation. Please, see the UAB Libraries Laptops Terms of Use.
You can have the laptop all day long. You must return it at the same library where you took it from during the opening hours.
The laptops loan is made in the following libraries:
UAB Libraries Laptops Terms of Use
- Communication Library and General Newspaper Archive
- Humanities Library
- Medical and Nursery Library - Vall d'Hebron
- Medical Library - Bellaterra
- Sabadell University Library
- Science and Technology Library
- Social Sciences Library
- Veterinary Library
UAB Libraries Laptops Terms of Use
The length of the loan is 4 hours and limited to the library premises.