
3rd CORE-Seminar in Mental Health - 10th November

3rd CORE Seminar in Mental Health
Thursday,  10th of Novembre 2016
9 to 15h

Auditorium, Hospital Parc Taulí de Sabadell
Growing in Mental Health:
Mental Health throughout the early stages of life


From the start of our life, inherited genes interact with the environment. The perinatal development of the brain  and the intensity of growth during the early years, mark brain structure and personality, giving risk or protection against the development of psychopathology.

In this third CORE Seminar, we want to generate debate on different aspects of the psychopathologies that occur in the early stages of development of the person, such as perinatal risk, clinical ADHD or autism among others, always with the aim of  identifying those aspects of the disorders where prevention can be implemented, both by professionals and within the community.

¡We cannot arrive late, prevention must be the future of mental health!


Scientific Committee

Dr. Diego Palao (Hospital Parc Taulí i Dpt. de Psiquiatría, UAB)

Dra. Montse Pàmias (Hospital Parc Taulí)

Dr. Narcís Cardoner (Hospital Parc Taulí)

Dra. Roser Nadal (Institute of Neurosciencies, INc - UAB)

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