Pre-award services
- To represent the interests, priorities, values and policies of the UAB teaching and research community before the funding entities, mainly the EC.
- Identification of calls and complementary information on the European Commission's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and the Erasmus+ Programme, as well as other international programmes, mainly within Europe.
- Dissemination of the calls detected in accordance with the different areas of knowledge and lines of research and work.
- Organisation of information sessions about the different programmes and news about them as it appears.
- Representation of UAB research groups at meetings of other international forums.
- Identification and assessment of the eligibility of candidatures.
- Assessment of the project idea in accordance with the call.
- Management of document signatures, where necessary.
- Provision of institutional documentation, where necessary.
- Support in the preparation of the application, including the budget.
- Internal review of the proposal.
In the case of staff applying for ERC calls, in addition:
- Possibility of external review of the proposal.
- Where there is progression to the second stage of assessment, organisation of a mock ad hoc interview.
- Management of the signing of documents and authorisations, where necessary.
- Provision of institutional documentation, where necessary.
- Support in the preparation of the application, including the budget.
- Management of the signing of documents and authorisations, where necessary.
- Provision of administrative and institutional documentation, where necessary.
- Support in strategic aspects of the proposal (e.g. definition of key agents, search for partners).
- Establishment of a calendar for the process of preparing the proposal and assigning tasks.
- Support during the drafting of the proposal, especially in the non-scientific and transversal parts.
- Preparation of the budget in accordance with the call and regulations of the UAB, taking into account the indications of the principal investigator (PI).
- Support in the management of the administrative data of the members.
- Internal review of the proposal.
- Possibility of an external review of the proposal.
Support in the negotiation and signing phase of projects.
- Preparation of the Grant Agreement (GA) and other agreements with the funding bodies.
- Negotiation of agreements and contracts with partners: Consortium Agreement (CA), Partnership Agreement (PA), Secondment Agreement (SA), among others.
- Negotiation of the budget and distribution of funding among partners.
- When necessary, management of the modifications required by the funding body.
- Management of the signing of the contract.
- Maintenance of grants to EGRETA (the UAB research data management system).
- Organisation of the start-of-project project meeting and transfer of information to departments or institutes.