The UAB is an institution committed to developing research, and this is why it participates in programmes promoting the recruitment of researchers and the funding of new research projects. We currently take part in the following programmes: Ramón y Cajal Juan de la Cierva ICREA The Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) is promoted by the Department of Universities, Research and the Information Society (DURSI) and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI). Its objective is to promote research in Catalonia in all fields. ICREA offers contracts working in the facilities of Catalan universities and research centres. There are 18 researchers with an ICREA contract working at the UAB. |
UAB Divulga UAB Divulga. Science Journal
Libraries of the UAB Web of the Libraries of the UAB
Parc de Recerca Transference of technology and knowledgement of the UAB
Theses in the network The PhD theses of the catalan universities
Finantial aids, grants and calls More Information
Department of Mathematics
Building C Science Faculty
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
TEL +34 93 581 13 04
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