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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
UAB Barcelona Summer School

Social Activities

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Become a part of the UAB Barcelona Summer School community through the Social Activities

You will have an opportunity to enjoy a friendly atmosphere among the students from all around the globe by taking part in the activities we have prepared for you beyond the academic life.  

Besides taking the chance of training yourself academically this summer, you can also get to know people from other countries and learn about the  Catalan culture around Barcelona together.  For this reason, we offer a social program  with cultural and sport activities, that we hope you will enjoy.  

Follow our Instagram to keep updated and get the access to all forms of registration for activities in our Linktree

The dates of activities are shown for the first period only. The information for the second period will be updated on 12th of July. 

  • Welcome Session

    Sessió de benvinguda

    At the Welcome Session you will be able to meet your fellow students and your teachers. 

    The Welcome of the first period will be on Tuesday 25 June at 9 a.m. at the Auditorium of Arts and Humanities Faculty




  • Energiser Games

    energiser games

    Do you want to get to know your Summer School classmates?    

    In the Energiser Games activity, we will break the ice through games and dynamics so that you can make new friends, the main objective is to learn our names!  Hurry up to register here. 

    We are waiting for you on 25th of June at 2 p.m.



  • Catalan Session

    Catalan Language and Cultural Session

    Welcome to Catalonia!  

    Get to know better Catalan traditions and the language in one session. The brief introduction to Catalan culture not only will help you to keep in context throughout the whole period of the UAB Summer School, but even make your experience of visiting Catalonia more fulfilling and meaningful.  

    Register for the Catalan Session for 26th of June at 2 p.m. here


  • Traditional Dances

    Balls tradicionals

    Do you know which are the typical dances from the Catalonia? At this workshop you’ll learn how to dance the different dances that characterize the folk dance of the region: jotes, ball pla, dances in partners. A fun way to continue learning the Catalan culture will be held on 27th of June at 2 p.m

    Don’t forget to sign up


  • Human Towers


    Come and meet Ganàpies of the UAB – the team of human towers in our university. 

    On 2nd of July at 2 p.m. you can discover what “els castells” are and even also practice how to make them. 

    Check the activity here.  

  • Sport Activity

    Beach Volley

    The best way to unwind after intensively studying is to do some sport! 

    We’ve prepared some sports activities for you! Beach volleyball is the most summery activity of all. Worried about the heat and glaring sun? Then zumba it is!  

    Choose your sport here and come on 9th of July at 2 p.m. But whatever you choose, remember – water and sunscreen are crucial to enjoy hot summer days. 

  • Visit to the Institut Ramon Llull

    Logo Institut Ramon Llull

     A spectacular guided tour of the building of the Palau Baró de Quadras, one of the jewels of Modernism, the work of Josep Puig i Cadafalch, awaits you, during which you will have the opportunity to see a brief presentation on Catalan culture in the world and a talk about the situation of the Catalan language.    

     Don't miss this opportunity! Sign up now for July 11 at 3pm! Places are limited.  

  • CaixaForum Cultural Center


    Visit the old modernist factory and the Vertical Forest of CaixaForum on 4th of July at 4 p.m. in Barcelona

    Discover all the faces of the old Casaramona textile factory, a beautiful example of industrial modernist architecture. You will also be able to learn in detail the unique architectural intervention of the Japanese Arata Isozaki, Pritzker Prize 2019. 



  • Closing Session of the 1st period

    Cloenda de la Summer School

    The Closing Session is the act that will determine the end of the course and will be held jointly with teachers and students.

    The Closing session of the first period will take place in the Auditori de Lletres of the UAB on Friday 12 July at 12:00.

  • Additional activities


    You can do more activities on weekends in Barcelona with Erasmus Student Network UAB Barcelona.

    They have prepared something just for you, so follow the link. Also check out their ESN Instagram to be sure you won’t miss any of their events.