
You will find in this website all the information regarding your registration, the steps to follow, the documentation you need and any other information you need to bear in mind in order to enrol. You will find more information in the registration manual.

Check your registration dates (studies list in Catalan).

Before enrolling for the next term, you should check your online registration schedule.

If you have any doubts regarding prices or payment, you can try the enrolment price simulator of the UAB.

If you have any further questions you can go to your Academic Management Office.
List of bachelor's degrees of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities with pre-registration code and number of places available
Degree Pre-enrolment code Places
Ancient Studies 21117 60
Archaeology 21146 60
Art History 21039 80
Catalan and Spanish 21144 30
Catalan Studies: Literature and Linguistics 21134 40
Contemporary History, Politics and Economics 21138 60
English and Catalan 21140 30
English and Classics 21141 30
English and French 21143 30
English and Spanish 21142 30
English Studies 21135 80
Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning 21124 60
History 21040 140
Humanities 21101 70
Musicology 21051 60
Philosophy 21032 70
Science, Technology and Humanities - UAB/UAM/UC3M 21137 45 (15 at the UAB, 15 at the UAM and 15 at the UC3M)
Social and Cultural Anthropology 21152 70
Socio-Cultural Gender Studies 21148 60
Spanish and Chinese Studies: Language, Literature and Culture 21133 40
Spanish Language and Literature 21136 60