Preguntas frecuentes sobre el pago de la matrícula en los grados

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions about undergraduate payment terms.

Enrolment fees are always paid by direct debit, except in the case of master's degree or PhD studies, for which they can also be paid by credit card or debit card.

You also have the option of taking out a loan through the Catalan Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR).
More information on this here.

Select this option when enrolling. You can choose to pay in one or in three instalments.

30% of the enrolment fees, plus all compulsory and optional administrative costs, can be charged to your bank account as from the same day on which you enrol. Another 30% is charged to your bank account as from 15 November, and the remaining 40% as from 20 December.

The Catalan Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) offers loans for payment of enrolment fees (Préstec AGAUR).

More information on this here.

If you are sure your bank hasn't returned the debit order, get in touch with your Gestió Acadèmica (Academic Management) office.

Non-payment of part or all of the enrolment fees has consequences. Your payment default will be entered in your academic record, and when you make the payment, you will have to pay the costs and surcharges for non-payment set by the Board of Trustees.

More information on this here.