Language awareness-raising

Language awareness-raising

General information

Free workshops combining on-site mode and online mode to obtain the tools and resources needed to offer linguistic and cultural support to people who have just arrived at the UAB. The sociolinguistic situation of the UAB. Aimed to involve students in aspects of university language policy and promote linguistic and cultural diversity on the campus.  

There may be changes to courses at the Language Service if the university, in accordance with the health authorities, decides to place restrictions on face-to-face teaching.

Credit recognition 
This activity carries academic credit recognition. 

Language Volunteering Workshop.
Students Talk about Languages: University Language-Policy Proposals Workshop.
Designing Language and Cultural Activities Workshop.
No em racialitzis, parla'm en català. Drets lingüístics universals.

A good command of the Catalan language (or results of a level test) for Language Volunteers 
Age over 18. 
You are required to be a member of the UAB community. 


Summer course: open onsite from 6 May 2024.

To enrol on a language-level course at UAB Idiomes Campus you need to show a certificate to confirm you have passed the previous level or else take a level test.

Opening hours:

Mondays to Fridays, 9 to 14 and 15 to 20 h

Phone times (93 581 13 25):

Mondays to Fridays, 9.30 to 12.30 and 15 to 18 h.



Please note:

- Your enrolment will be finalised when we have confirmed that the entry requirements have been met.
- The number of places on our courses is limited, so we deal with enrolment requests in the order they arrive.
- When you have enrolled, we will contact you to confirm this and give you the payment instructions, where appropriate.

UAB Idiomes reserves the right to cancel a group if a minimum number of students has not enrolled.

These courses are free for UAB students and staff.

Days      Calendar
11.10.2023 to 17.1.2024

     11 October (3 to 5 pm);
     25 October and 22 November 
(3 to 4 pm)

5.3.2024 to 11.6.2024      5 March (3 to 5 pm); 12 March and
     30 April (3 to 4 pm)

Days      Calendar
6.11.2023 to 17.1.2024      6 and 20 November (12 to 2 pm);
     4 and 18 December (12 to 2 pm)

Days      Calendar
5.10.2023 to 30.11.2023      5, 19 and 26 October (12 to 2 pm);
     2 and 9 November(12 to 2 pm);
     16 November (12 to 1 pm)
12.3.2024 to 14.5.2024      12 and 19 March (12 to 2 pm);
     9, 16 and 23 April (12 to 2 pm);
     30 April (12 to 1 pm)

Days      Calendar
29.2.2024 to 21.3.2024      Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3pm to 5pm