Scheduled the second #Nostrum of the course

Nostrum FAS abril 2022

On Saturday, April 2, the FAS will hold the Nostrum, a playful day of knowledge and training for the volunteer and scholarship teams of the FAS.


The Fundació Autònoma Solidària has organized for Saturday, April 2, the second Nostrum of the course, a day dedicated to the volunteers of the FAS, where they can meet and participate in training workshops.

The activity will take place from 10am to 3pm at the Hotel d'Entitats, in the Plaça Cívica of the UAB. It will start at 10am with different welcoming activities for the participants who will attend one of the two workshops organized afterwards.

On the one hand, one of the workshops is "Politicization of discomforts", which will be dynamized by the Abilis association and will talk about the discomforts that transcend individuality and how we can face them as a collective. On the other hand, another workshop will be offered by the social and community psychologist Irene Moulas, which will deal with "mental health from an intersectional perspective". The workshop will talk about oppression and power roles, reflecting on the collectives with which the volunteers work.

The day will continue with a tupper meal, and a quick snack and dessert will be offered to the attendees, who will be able to enjoy a time for conversation and bonding with the rest of the companions. Finally, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., the closing activity will take place, which will finish this last Nostrum of the course.

To participate in the workshops and confirm attendance, it is necessary to register through this form. Don't miss it!