The FAS starts a new process of strategic reflection

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In the past 4 years, the FAS has guided its actions based on a strategic plan that ended in 2021. The new reflection process includes different participatory meetings with people linked to the entity and will serve to define the new 2022-2026 plan.


The Fundació Autònoma Solidària has started a new process of reflection to work with the new strategic plan 2022-2026.

The review of the Strategic Plan and definition of the new challenges and priorities for the 2022-2026 period is carried out with the accompaniment of Tandem Social, a working cooperative that already carried out this advice in the previous plan. One of the plans is to develop different phases to review the impact of the previous strategic plan, define new challenges, and prioritize the lines of work, carrying out a series of participatory meetings with the agents and people linked to the entity. During different work sessions, the vision of the technical team, members of the advisory board and board of trustees will be collected. Along with those from the students (volunteers and students with scholarships), PAS and PDI, representatives of other entities, the Public Administration, and beneficiaries of the programs, among others.

It is expected that this work will be completed before the end of the course in which the new lines of work of the foundation for the next 4 years will be established.