
El Cor, el Cor de Cambra i l'Orquestra a la clausura del concert de Nadal

Music, the only ingredient to transmit hope. Chronicle of the Christmas Concert at the UAB

There is a paradox. Music is everywhere, it is part of our being and our daily routine. We have the capacity to listen to it all the time, but in few moments we realise that it is there. We adopt a passive listening attitude and music disappears from the forefront of our lives. Sometimes, we don't realise that music is the only ingredient to transmit emotions and create bridges between cultures, people or even moments. On 19 December, the UAB Choir,  the Chamber Choir the and Orchestra offered a song of hope for an hour. The stage became a symphonic refuge in which hypnotic voices and harmonised instruments emanated their own light to  a hundred people who also believed that music was the only inevitable additive to achieve the intended recipe: a Christmas concert that would awake the absolute attention of our inner self  to admire this art.

imatge Concert de Nadal

The UAB Theatre Hall to hold traditional Christmas concert on 19 December

The UAB Choir, Chamber Choir and Orchestra - conducted by Poire Vallvé - will offer the traditional Christmas concert on 19 December at 1:45 p.m. at the UAB Theatre Hall. This year's concert, entitled A Bridge of Hope, aims to be a hymn for hope and peace with a repertoire of ten musical pieces, including popular songs, Gregorian chants, contemporary madrigals, Christmas carols and lullabies. 

She Said

UAB Cinema previews 'She Said', the story of the journalistic investigation that uncovered sexual assaults in Hollywood

The UAB Cinema hosts on Tueday 13th of December at 1pm the preview of the film She Said, a production inspired by the New York Times investigation and the book She Said that uncovered decades of abuse and sexual assault to actresses and workers that were committed by Harvey Weinstein, one of the most powerful producers in Hollywood in the 1990s and 2000s with his companies Miramax and The Weinstein Company. The film releases exclusively on 28th December in cinemas.

The UAB Solidarity Race to be held on 18 December

The UAB and the Cerdanyola del Vallès City Council, with the collaboration and support of the University of Barcelona and Applus+ Laboratories, organise for 18 December the 2022 Solidarity Race and Walk to help raise funds for the yearly fundraiser La Marató de TV3, which this year focuses on cardiovasculara health. This is the 11th edition of a race in which the UAB campus turns into a huge solidarity sports festival.

Què és Cultura en Viu?

Culture is more alive than ever at the UAB. What is Cultura en Viu?

Cultura en Viu wants to turn the UAB campus into a place for artistic creation. For more than 31 years, we have been working for the entire university community to satisfy their cultural interests thanks to the support of artistic creation, formation and offering (theatre, music, cinema, dance, writing, etc.).