Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Biology

Do you like nature and are concerned about its conservation? Environmental Biology offers you the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to study living beings in their environment with specialised and quality training.

General information

  • Faculty of Biosciences
  • Bellaterra campus
  • Duration: 4 years courses - 240 credits
  • Places: 60
  • Admission mark: 10,744
  • Price per credit: 18.46 euros
  • Language: Catalan (88%), Spanish (10%) and English (2%)
  • Academic calendar
  • Learning mode: Classroom-based learning
The Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Biology provides the basic training needed on the relationship among biological systems, in all of its complexity and diversity, within their natural environment. Almost all aspects of human activity are determined by the need to minimise impacts to the natural environment. This requires adequate knowledge of surrounding organisms, populations and communities, as well as an ability to transform it.

The degree will also equip you with the knowledge needed to apply these skills to the problems of conservation and management.

The degree trains professionals with the ability to identify and interpret the origin and function of biological diversity at the level of organisms, species and ecosystmes, as well as the ability to analyse the procesess determining interactions between living beings and their physical and biological surroundings.

Among the different universities from around the world already offering a similar degree are the University of Reading (UK), the University College London (UK), the University of Nottingham (UK), the University of Roskilde (Denmark), the University of California, Davis (USA) and the University of Guelph (Canada).

Career options

Studies in environmental biology are widely recognised in many universities around the world where students are trained to become professionals capable of identifying and interpreting the origins and functions of biological diversity and of analysing how living beings interact with their environment .
Career opportunities can be found in the following fields:

  • Analysing and solving problems stemming from impacts on biodiversity and conservation, acting as specialists, managers, auditors or consultants in companies, project offices, protected natural spaces, museums, etc.
  • Experts in document management, information and education on the natural environment, working as guides and monitors in natural parks, museums and protected areas, or as scientific consultants, communicators, photographers, in publishers' the media, foundations, etc.
  • Researchers into biodiversity, biological processes and the functioning of ecosystems, able to work for public and private research organisations.
  • Professionals specialising in the protection of cultivated plants, fungi and animals based on biological control and in those fields which represent a search for new resources based on natural biodiversity.
  • Lecturers at different educational levels.



Mobility programmes

Professional training


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