Bachelor's Degree in Labour Relations

The bachelor's degree in Labour Relations trains highly specialised graduates in the management of human resources, with an interdisciplinary perspective needed to know how to meet the professional demands of the human resources and labour law sectors

General information

  • Faculty of Law
  • Bellaterra Campus
  • Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
  • Places: 125
  • Admission mark: 8,076
  • Price per credit: 17.69 euros
  • Language: Catalan (60%) and Spanish (40%).
  • Calendars
  • Learning mode: Classroom-based learning
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Relations
  • The bachelor's degree in Labour Relations, offered at the Bellaterra campus, provides an interdisciplinary vision of the work sector by combining top-level theoretical training with subjects focused on a professional future in the labour relations sector, in both public organisations and private firms.
  • The bachelor's degree in Labour Relations at the UAB, a true university campus, makes it possible for lecturers from each of the faculties to teach in their area of expertise.
  • It includes a work placement programme, key to the high employment index seen amongst our graduates.
  • In the fourth year, students can choose a specialisation to help them delve deeper into those subjects of most interest to them. 
  • The degree provides specialised training in the area of labour law and in work organisation through an interdisciplinary training programme in subjects such as social psychology, sociology of labour relations, economics and organisation of businesses.

This bachelor's degree is for you if you...

  • Wish to study human resource management
  • Like to consider the work sector from a legal, psychological, sociological, etc. perspective.
  • Are interested in the organisation and the economics of businesses
  • Are motivated by the socio-labour perspective of labour relations and its effects on the ethical values of human relations
  • Are committed to defending equal opportunites

Career options

Graduates with a bachelor's degree in Labour Relations are known to occupy a wide range of professional profiles. The two main areas include work organisation, to become a specialist in human resources with knowledge in law and social psychology, and in labour law, with profound knowledge in labour rights and social security.

Our graduates enter the labour market in the areas of management and direction of human resources, contracts, social and labour auditing, mediation and intervention in the labour market, work agents and social development.

Graduates can also join the Association of Social Graduates and work in the public administration, as work inspectors, occupational risk prevention, and social, occupational and fiscal technicians.

The academic contents provided in this bachelor's degree also allow students to continue onto master's degrees or other graduate programmes in a variety of specialised areas.



Mobility programmes

Professional training


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