Supporting entrepreneurship


The creation of companies is one of the main pathways for transferring knowledge to society and offer new openings to the professional markets. Under the program UABEmpren, the Park promotes entrepreneurial spirit and offers a series of services for the promotion and successful achievement of the company creation and growth.
If you are a researcher and have an innovative idea which can become a product and/or service, the UAB Office of Recovery and Patents helps you to assess its potential and protect it. And if the result of this process, the creation of a company is a useful and appropriate tool to transfer the results to the market, from the UAB Research Park will support the main stages in the entrepreneurial project:

Programs to promote entrepreneurship among researchers.

Personalized advice to researchers with an innovative idea.

Advice on the approach of the business idea and the structuring of the entrepreneurial team.

Support in the elaboration of the business plan.

Incubation spaces.

Training in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship.


Ideas Generation Program

A program that aims to promote entrepreneurship, innovation culture and support the ideas of researchers and postgraduate students from all the scientific fields of the UAB.

Addressed to: reserachers
Dates: from january to may 2024
Dedication: 50 hours

AI4ALL Program

Training programme in the latest tools in artificial intelligence applied to industry with the aim of developing entrepreneurial projects that have an impact on society.

Adress to: research staff, entrepreneurial projects and SMEs, second-cycle engineering students.
Dates: June and July 2024
Dedication: 120 hours

From Science to Business

Training program organized jointly by the the University of Barcelona, the UAB and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. The objective is to promote specialized entrepreneurship and university-business transfer.

Addressed to: Masters or PhD students
Dates: September to December 2024
Dedication: 100 hours

Programa Explorer Sant Cugat PRUAB

A program, organized by the UAB Research Park and promoted by Banco Santander, which provides training, support and mentoring to young entrepreneurs for the development of their initiatives.

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