R+D+I projects
Project management
The collaborative projects between researchers and companies are a powerful tool to promote knowledge transfer and are often an essential complement to other marketing channels. The UAB Research Park strives to ensure that researchers and companies work together to help each other solve the needs and problems of today’s society.
In this sense, we manage and coordinate projects throughout the process (analysis of the research capabilities of researchers, writing and submission of the proposal, monitoring, etc.).
Definition of innovation projects with companies (objectives, work plan, calendar, budget).
Preparation of offers and advice in the preparation of agreements and contracts.
Search for financing at the regional level (ACCIO), national (CDTI, MINECO, etc) and European level (H2020, LIFE, etc).
Preparation of proposals for competitive calls:
- Carry out the necessary administrative procedures on the relevant platforms.
- Search for partners to complete a competitive consortium.
- Centralized communication with the partners and organization of preparatory meetings.
- Preparation of templates, including also specific visual identity and format.
- Adaptation of the work plan and associated budget.
- Supervision of the technical report and adaptation of its objectives to the call.
- Participation in the writing of the sections of impact and implementation.
Management of projects in execution:
- Preparation and implementation of the "Management Handbook".
- Preparation and execution of the dissemination and exploitation plan.
- Centralization of communication with partners, and relevant agencies.
- Monitoring the achievement of key project milestones.
- Compilation, review and delivery of deliverables, technical and economic reports.
- Organization of general and specific consortium meetings, virtual and/or face-to-face.
- Preparation and follow-up of the official project review meetings.