
Visites al Campus Online T2

"No em toquis la llengua", new UAB campaign in defense of the Catalan language

“No em toquis la lengua” is both an awareness-raising and inspirational campaign. Firstly, it aims to clearly state the University’s position in favour of the Catalan language. Secondly, it aims to be an inspirational campaign that values the richness of the language through a series of authentic and uniquely Catalan words.

Mapa de Risc d'incendis

High risk of forest fires

The UAB Prevention and Assistance Area has announced a set of recommendations to prevent forest fires addressed to all those visiting or passing through the woods and greenland surrounding the campus.

La representant de la UAB ha guanyat el concurs

UAB student Ana Sánchez wins the final of the "4 Minute Thesis" competition

Ana Sánchez, enrolled in the PhD programme in Biotechnology, represented the UAB and became the winner of the "4 Minute Thesis" competition, which was held on 22 June in Barcelona. A total of 125 PhD candidates from all across Catalonia participated in the event, which was organised by the Catalan Research and Innovation Foundation.