
Workshop: Innovació docent en economia

Workshop: Innovation in Economics Teaching

The Workshop’s objective on July 6th is to promote and disseminate examples of innovation in the contents and methodologies of Economics teaching. Pre-registration required (see link at the end)


Imatge recurs campus

Tips for surviving the heat wave

Given the high temperatures foreseen for the next few days, the UAB Area of Prevention and Support offers safety measures for all members of the university community.

Foto diagnosi dels lavabos de la UAB

The UAB studies how to make restrooms safer and more equal

The UAB, through the Observatory for Equality, is working on a model of restrooms that includes the identities and the different needs of everyone at the University, within the framework of the “UAB Diversa” (Diverse UAB) project. The report Review of the UAB rest room service with a gender perspective, which makes a preliminary diagnosis, has recently been presented.