Admission Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education - English

Course access

Students wishing to take this course have different access routes, depending on their previous studies:

Type of access Preference of access Admission mark 23/24
Secondary school diploma + University entrance exam (PAU) and CFGS (Advanced professional training) Weighted subjects pertaining to the PAU specific phase:
  • Musical Analysis (0.2)
  • Biology (0.2)
  • Earth and Environmental Sciences (0.2)
  • Artistic Drawing (0.2)
  • Physics (0.2)
  • Art Foundations (0.2)
  • Geography (0.2)
  • Greek (0.2)
  • History of Art (0.2)
  • Catalan Literature (0.2)
  • Spanish Literature (0.2)
  • Latin (0.2)
  • Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences (0.2)
  • Mathematics (0.2)
  • Chemistry (0.2)
University access for people over 25 Social Sciences and Law option ---
Others Entrance exams for people over 45 ---
Degree holders 6.940
Change of studies and validations  

To be admitted to the degree you must pass a personal aptitude test (Prova d'aptitud personal) which since 2017 consists in two exams: communication and critical reasoning skills, and logical-mathematical competencies. More information on the personal aptitude test can be found on this Universities and Research website and in this document.

Pre-enrolment code


Student Profile

The ideal student for this course should have the following qualities:

  • Motivation for the education and training of schoolchildren.
  • Responsible and able to work in a team and form relationships.
  • Observant and able to listen, argue, communicate, negotiate and reach agreements.
  • Organised and methodological and at the same time creative and flexible with the capacity for analysis and to respond to complex situations.
  • It is recommended that you have a broad knowledge in the scientific areas of the matters you wish to teach in.
  • Good command of the official languages (Catalan and Spanish).
  • If you wish to enrol in the degree in Primary Education in English, it is recommended that your level of English corresponds to Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Although you will not need to pass any exams to be admitted to this degree, you will need to develop your skills in English and reach a minimum level of B2 (for example, by passing exams CLUC certificate, fifth course of the Official Language School or the CFC certificate) during your first year, and Level C1 (EOI-C1 or CAE certificates) during your third year.

To be admitted to the degree you must pass a personal aptitude test (Prova d'aptitud personal) which since 2017 consists in two exams: communication and critical reasoning skills, and logical-mathematical competencies. More information on the personal aptitude test can be found on this Universities and Research website and in this document.

Additional training

Digital skills for university studies (optional 15-hour course offered in September)

Access related information

Check all the information related to university access routes here: secondary school students, CFGS students, over 25 years old and over 45 years old.

You will also find information on other access routes (accredited work experience, changing from a foreign university) and other access routes for pre-university international students (international students: secondary school in the EU, international students: secondary school outside the EU) and for university students and graduates (reincorporations, EU university students, non EU university students and university graduates).