XI Photo contest: Your exchange experience.
Carambola, by Claudia Mallia Ogayar is the winner of the 1st prize.
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Carambola, by Claudia Mallia Ogayar is the winner of the 1st prize.
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Make the most of your Erasmus experience!, by Rayén Garance Feil won the 2nd prize of the contest.
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Cultural and recreational day to share activities and projects of the whole University Community
The Resource Centre for Group Activities and the Associations Hotel make life easier for student groups and student councils by providing rooms and equipment for their activities.
Video included in the UAB campaign
The SiS Campus includes 70 activities and consists of two action plans, the Healthy Campus and the Sustainable Campus, aimed at people working and studying at the University.
Come exercise at SAF, where our mission is to promote all types of activities to get you physically active and where we are dedicated to the integral training of individuals.
Class delegates play a key role in monitoring acadèmic progress on each course. They act as interlocutors, helping their fellow-students to take charge of their own learning.
Visit the Autònoma’s residential complex from the sky. 40 hectares of nature, 810 apartments, 2000 residents. Live the Vila experience on the UAB campus.
Upon arrival, international students are made to feel at home at the UAB and are invited to discover and become familiar with the campus' facilities, services and areas.
UAB is awarded with the Festa Q emblem, which recognizes festive spaces that have resources related to health and wellbeing.