Qilimanjaro, a start-up located at UAB Research Park specializing in quantum technology and superconductors, has been declared the “Best Digital Start-Up” at the 4YFN Awards at the Mobile World Congress de Barcelona.
The UAB Research Park, in collaboration with the Consells Comarcals del Vallès Occidental i Vallès Oriental, has announced the launch of the Guide for the creation of Energy Communities.
The UAB Research Park is boosting a new edition of the Consolida’t Program to support microenterprises, self-employed workers to consolidate, strengthen and reinvent their businesses. The individual project of each participant becomes the central point of the program.
The UAB Parc de la Recerca and the Graduate School are holding a new edition of the "Validate Your Research" programme, addressed to research staff in training at the UAB as a way to aid them in finding practical applications to their research projects. The registration periodwill be open until 10 April.
The UAB will be holding a new edition of its "Thesis in 4 minutes" competition, in which PhD students are asked to explain their research in a maximum of four minutes. Candidates may submit their applications from 4 to 20 March, and the competition will take place in front of a jury on 7 May.
The University will be present at the 4 Years From Now (4YFN) event, a fair for emerging companies being held from 26 to 29 February on occasion of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. The UAB stand will provide visibility to seven of its spin-offs and to tecnologies of the mobile and digital sector developed at the School of Engineering.
The European-funded project ClearFarm, coordinated by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), has developed and validated the first digital animal welfare monitoring platform that integrates, analyses and displays information collected by various sensors installed on farms. The resulting tool allows consumers and farmers to make informed choices about the purchase of food of animal origin and the care of animals at different stages of their lives.
For five years, the city councils of Sabadell, Barberà del Vallès, Sant Quirze del Vallès and Castellar del Vallès, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Fundació de Disseny Tèxtil and the Fundació Parc Taulí worked jointly under the framework of the ININVALLÈS project with the aim of strengthening the design and innovation of industrial systems and thus improve the competitiveness of the region.