University Master's Degrees The UAB offers high quality graduate programmes

Application for admission to a master's degree

Application for admission to the master's degree

Preinscripció de Màster amb NIU

To apply for admission, you need to fulfill an online application process ("admission application" or "registration": they are different terminology to refer to the same process).

Students that comply with all of the general and specific admission requirements and have a disability degree of 33% or more, have 5% of all the places reserved. Master's degrees with less than 20 places will reserve one seat. Students will need to hand in their disability accrediting documentation in accordance with current legislation.

The admission process may be substantially different depending on whether the master or graduate diploma is managed by the UAB or through an affiliated or associated centre.

Through the following list you’ll find all the official master's degree coordinated by the UAB. We recommend that you follow the instructions you'll find in the section "Admission" within each master's website.
To apply for admission to an official master's degree which is not coordinated by the UAB, please consult the information provided within each master's degree website.
Master's degree with pre-registration at the UAB: