Mobility & International Exchange

Erasmus BIP Coordination

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The combined intensive stays of studies (Blended Intensive Programme, BIP) are stays in which students and staff carry out a short-term face-to-face mobility abroad, combined with a mandatory virtual component, which must bring together online participants to work collectively and simultaneously on specific tasks that are integrated into the BIP and that count for the general results of the learning.

This call funds the organization of these stays at the UAB.

Students who wish to carry out BIP stays at other universities must apply for the BIP Studies call.

In the case of staff, they may request them in the general calls for Erasmus+, PDI Mobility and PAS Mobility.

To organize BIP stays at the UAB, you must have a current project, with a minimum of 2 other partner universities, belonging to countries of the Erasmus+ program, which includes the realization of BIP stays of studies and with the corresponding Erasmus+ agreements. And have planned the organization of a BIP study stay at the UAB during the 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic years (with the maximum completion date of the BIP of July 31, 2024).

You can submit applications by filling out this proposal form for the organization of BIP stays. (form closed until the opening of the 2023 project call).

You can consult in the following link the call for the 2022 project, which indicates the conditions and the various deadlines for submitting applications and resolutions.(Updated version, approved by CRIPL 18.05.2023)

and in the following link the call for the 2023 project in which the conditions and the various deadlines for submitting applications and resolution are indicated.(approved by CRIPL 9.11.2023)

If you need more information you can contact

As there are no grants available for the BIP organization at the UAB, the application forms are closed and no further resolutions will be made for the award of grants.

The Erasmus+ program

Erasmus+ is the EU programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. The Erasmus+ funds that finance this call come from the Erasmus+ KA131 2021-2027, 2022 and 2023 program. Action 1 of this Erasmus+ programme includes the mobility of students and staff from Higher Education Institutions in the countries of the programme: the 27 Member States of the European Union, the countries of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. Switzerland and the United Kingdom participate in the Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027, but as an associated country (associated countries are those that do not participate fully in the Erasmus + programme, but can intervene in certain actions of the programme), and therefore participants who come from Switzerland or the United Kingdom do not count for participation or funding.