Mobility & International Exchange

Erasmus+ KA171 Third Countries


The Erasmus+ Program of the European Commission promotes the mobility of the university community.

Action Erasmus+ KA171 of this program provides funds for mobility with third countries (Third Countries) from 2021 to 2027.

With the funds awarded to it under the Erasmus + Third Countries KA171 program, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is calling for a series of grants for UAB Student Mobility.

The Spanish agency for Erasmus+ SEPIE offers institutions and organizations participating in the Erasmus+ program specific support on topics related to inclusion (special needs, refugees, people with less resources), which you will find in this link. In this document you will find more information.

Participants, students and teaching and administrative staff, will be able to present documentation to receive additional mobility aid. Inclusion support is financial support to cover additional costs for students and staff with fewer opportunities who participate in mobility activities of the Erasmus+ program. To access this support, participants must have a recognized and legally qualified disability of a degree equal to or greater than 33%, or suffer from physical, mental or health problems duly certified through the corresponding medical certification, as well as comply with the rest of admissibility criteria established in the Program.

The amount will cover 100% of the actual subsidized costs that are requested, directly related to your disability, provided that they are not covered through the budgetary categories of "travel" (if applicable) and "individual support", including the additional aid for students with fewer opportunities. (Among the subsidized expenses are the following: special/adapted transportation of the participant in the host country, escorts, professional services, preparatory visits and other expenses.)

Request the additional allowance using this form, for the Erasmus KA131 and KA171 program.

All participants who request "Apoyo a la inclusión" based on actual costs will have to prove their degree of disability and documentably justify to the institution of higher education of origin or coordinator of the mobility consortium the actual expenses corresponding to the amount of the additional aid received .


ERASMUS+ KA171 - Grants for the mobility of doctoral students in Third Countries

The Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission promotes the mobility of the university community and the Erasmus+ KA171 action of this programme provides funds for mobility with third countries (Third Countries). 

You will find full information on the calls for mobility grants for students in partner countries at the bottom of this page.

Call Erasmus+ KA171-2023; deadline to end stay 31/07/2026.



Short stays: from 15 to 30 days
Long stays: from 2 to 5 months


Mobilities panel

Total number of grants

Maximum number of grants for students with fewer opportunities

Country Region Partner Universities
2 (5 months) 2 Egypt  3 Sohag University
The american University of Cairo


Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design

Tel Aviv University


American University of Beirut
Université Saint Joseph of Beirut

*Taking into account the declaration of the UAB Senate of 30 May 2024 in relation to the situation in Gaza, it is reported that Israel is no longer an eligible country to carry out mobilities, both outgoing and incoming, within the framework of the Erasmus+KA171 project 2023

**Exchange stays are not possible during 2024-25 due to the current armed conflict situation.

D'acord amb el que estableix la Guia del Programa Erasmus+ els estudiants rebran els ajuts corresponents als conceptes següents:


In accordance with the provisions of the Guide to the Erasmus+ Programme, students will receive grants corresponding to the following concepts:

More information in the Erasmus+ KA171 2023 project call

The payment of the scholarship follows the UAB payment process which will start after the presentation of all rthe required documents, and it is not immediate (it might take up to 2 weeks)

The payment of the scholarship will be done in two periods:

First payment:

  • It represents 70% of the total amount calculated from the planned dates.
  • It is paid after arrival at the host university and the presentation of all required documents.

Second payment:

  • It represents the rest of the scholarship.
  • It is calculated with the real dates of the stay according to the dates indicated in the attendance certificate
  • It is paid after presenting the attendance certificate and complete the Eu Survey



Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, we require all students to stay within the KA171 2023 program, to accredit the coverage of travel and accident assistance insurance (minimum €30,000) that includes medical, surgical and civil liability expenses in the country of destination.

If the host university/country requires specific insurance, it will not be necessary to take out the additional insurance of €30,000 (submit justification)

The insurance is not covered by the Erasmus+ KA171 aid, it is borne by the participant.



The application period will remain permanently open, from November 10, 2023 to March 15, 2026 (see section 9 of the call- Calendar where you will find the deadlines for application and resolution)

Interested persons must fill in the online application and attach the required documentation

All communications will be made through institutional mail.

In the Document Collection you will find an explanatory guide on how to fulfill the Learning Agreement (Guidelines on how to ise the Learning Agreement For sStudies)


    Level of Studies      Documentation
   PhD Online application
Learning agreement Erasmus+ Ka171 for PhD students 
Curriculum Vitae



Resolutions and Call:

4th Resolution Erasmus+ Ka171 2023_ students OUT

3rd Resolution Erasmus+ Ka171 2023_ student OUT

2nd Resolution Erasmus+ Ka171 2023_ student OUT

1st Resolution Erasmus+ Ka171 2023_ students OUT

Addendum_Call Erasmus+ KA171 project 2023- students PhD OUT.

Call Erasmus+ KA171 2023 project - Students OUT

2nd Resolution Erasmus+ Ka171 2023_ students OUT

Documents to provide:

Learning Agreement Erasmus+ KA171 Students

Learning Agreement Erasmus+ KA171 PhD

Certificate of existence insurance coverage

Guides and other documentation:

Guidelines on how to use the Learning Agreement for Studies

For more information: 

Àrea de Relacions Internacionals
Edifici N - Campus de Bellaterra
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)
Tel +34 93 586 82 56

Cofinançat pel programa Erasmus+ de la UElogo a4u

last update - january 2023

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, as a member of the Alliance 4 Universities, also offers funds through this membership. Please consult the Alliance 4 universities webpage to know more about these grants.

The grants that UAB offer through the Alliance 4 universities are for mobilities of students to  Botswana, Ivory Coast, Kenia, Namibia, Senegal

The deadline to present the applications is 15 march 2024.  

Documents collection: